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DESTY CRISTYA ANISA, Amin Wibowo, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.,

2021 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen

GEC Sparepart & Accessories adalah perusahaan yang beroperasi di bidang grosir dan ritel suku cadang serta aksesoris telepon seluler yang berdiri pada tahun 2007 di Cirebon. GEC dihadapkan pada isu persaingan industri perangkat telekomunikasi, dimana terjadi perubahan kebiasaan belanja masyarakat dan maraknya penjualan online. GEC perlu membenahi dan mengembangkan pengelolaan aktivitas bisnis dalam rantai nilai perusahaanya agar mampu beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan dan tantangan baru dalam persaingan. Persaingan yang ketat menuntut GEC untuk memiliki keunggulan kompetitif agar dapat bertahan di industri. Keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan bergantung pada rantai nilai pada perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang ada pada rantai nilai GEC dan mengkaji apakah aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dapat menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif. Guna menjawab tujuan penelitian, analisis rantai nilai yang dikemukakan oleh Porter digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas rantai nilai GEC. Selanjutnya keunggulan kompetitif pada aktivitas rantai nilai tersebut di analisis dengan konsep faktor pembangun keunggulan kompetitif yang dikemukanan oleh Hill et al. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, aktivitas rantai nilai GEC di identifikasi menjadi lima kategori aktivitas utama yaitu logistik masuk, operasi, logistik keluar, pemasaran dan penjualan, serta layanan. Pengadaan, pengembangan teknologi, manajemen sumber daya manusia dan infrastruktur perusahaan pada aktivitas pendukung. Keunggulan kompetitif GEC sparepart & Accessories banyak melakukan aktivitas rantai nilai yang mendukung keunggulan kompetitif melalui faktor efisiensi, kualitas dan daya tanggap pelanggan. Namun sangat sedikit aktivitas yang menyumbangkan faktor inovasi. Secara umum GEC lebih banyak melakukan aktivitas nilai yang membangun dan mendukung keunggulan kompetitif melalui biaya rendah.

GEC Sparepart & Accessories is a company that operates in the wholesale and retail of spare parts and accessories for cellular phones which was established in 2007 in Cirebon. GEC is faced with the issue of competition in the telecommunications equipment industry, where there has been a change in people's shopping habits and the rise of online sales. GEC needs to improve and develop the management of business activities in the value chain of its company so that it is able to adapt to new habits and challenges in competition. The intense competition demands GEC to have a competitive advantage in order to survive in the industry. The competitive advantage of the company depends on the value chain on the company. This study aims to identify activities that exist in the GEC value chain and assess whether these activities can create competitive advantage. In order to answer the research objectives, the value chain analysis proposed by Porter was used to identify GEC value chain activities. Furthermore, the competitive advantage in value chain activities is analyzed with the concept of building blocks of competitive advantage proposed by Hill et al. The results showed that GEC value chain activities were identified into five main activity categories, namely inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and services. Procurement, technology development, human resource management and firm infrastructure in supporting activities. Competitive Advantage GEC Spare Parts & Accessories performs many value chain activities that support competitive advantage through factors of efficiency, quality and customer responsiveness. However, very few activities contribute to the innovation factor. In general, GEC does more value activities that build and support competitive advantage through low costs.

Kata Kunci : Wholesale, Retail, Spare parts, Accessories, Competitive Advantage, Value Chain, Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage

  1. S2-2021-436772-abstract.pdf.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-436772-bibliography.pdf.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-436772-tableofcontent.pdf.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-436772-title.pdf.pdf