Laporkan Masalah


ITA YUSTINA, Dr. Nafis Khuriyati, S.TP., M.Agr.; Dr. Didik Purwadi, M.Ec.


Gamaslim merupakan produk healthy food berupa puding dan jeli. Pada awal distribusi, secara umum produk pada tahap perkenalan akan mengalami kendala dalam pemasaran yang disebabkan oleh tingkat pengetahuan konsumen terhadap produk dan minat beli konsumen masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun strategi pemasaran Gamaslim yang akan digunakan pada tahap perkenalan berdasarkan analisis segmenting, targeting dan positioning (STP) serta analisis hubungan pengaruh bauran pemasaran terhadap keputusan pembelian. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah pengkonsumsi rutin healthy food minimal 1-2 kali per minggu dan untuk konsumen yang telah berhenti konsumsi tidak lebih dari 2 bulan yang lalu. Data primer diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner secara online dan offline. Analisis STP berdasarkan atas variabel motivasi, konsistensi konsumsi, kecenderungan sosial dan sikap terhadap produk baru, dengan menggunakan analisis statistika K-means cluster, sedangkan analisis hubungan pengaruh bauran pemasaran terhadap keputusan pembelian menggunakan analisis statistika multivariate PLS-SEM. Hasil analisis STP menunjukkan bahwa konsumen healthy food terbagi menjadi 3 klaster. Segmen 1 merupakan konsumen healthy food usia remaja yang menjaga penampilan. Segmen 2 adalah konsumen usia dewasa yang mengkonsumsi healthy food untuk mengendalikan berat badan. Segmen 3 adalah kelompok konsumen usia dewasa yang mengkonsumsi healthy food untuk menjaga kesehatan. Segmen 1 dan 2 terpilih sebagai target pasar yang direkomendasikan untuk Gamaslim. Hasil analisis hubungan pengaruh bauran pemasaran produk healthy food terhadap keputusan pembelian menunjukkan bahwa variabel dalam bauran pemasaran yang berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah produk dan saluran distribusi. Strategi pemasaran Gamaslim sebagai healthy food adalah produk yang telah terbukti sebagai produk berkualitas dan berkhasiat, dipromosikan kepada konsumen melalui media promosi event di lingkungan target pasar, iklan dan komunikasi WOM (word of mouth), serta didukung dengan ketersediaan produk di retailer terdekat konsumen dan harga jual produk yang terjangkau.

Gamaslim is a product of a healthy food in the form of pudding and jelly. In the initial distribution, products will facing problems especially at the introductory stage, due to the low level of consumer knowledge of the product and consumer buying interest. The purpose of this research was to develop a marketing strategy for Gamaslim that will be used at the introductory stage based on segmenting, targeting and positioning (STP) and the relationship between the influence of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions analysis. The sample in this study was the regular consumer of healthy foods for at least 1-2 times per week and for consumers who have stopped consuming no longer than previous 2 months. Primary data were obtained using online and offline questionnaires. The STP analysis was based on the variables of motivation, consumption consistency, social tendencies and attitudes towards new products, using K-means cluster statistical analysis, while the analysis of the relationship between the effect of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions used the PLS-SEM multivariate statistical analysis. The results of STP analysis showed that healthy food consumers were divided into 3 clusters. The 1st segment was the teenage who purposedly to maintain their appearance. The 2nd was adult consumers who consume healthy food to control their weight. While the 3rd was a group of adult consumers who consume healthy food to maintain their health. In this research, segments 1 and 2 were selected as recommended target markets for Gamaslim. The results of the analysis of the relationship between the marketing mix of healthy food products on purchasing decisions indicate that the product and distribution channels were marketing mix variables that have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Gamaslim's marketing strategy as healthy food was proven as a product that has good quality and efficacious, and it was promoted through an event in the target market environment, advertising and WOM (word of mouth) communication, and supported by the ease of obtaining the product at the nearest retailer with also affordable prices.

Kata Kunci : analisis segmentasi, analisis keputusan pembelian, healthy food, strategi pemasaran, produk tahap perkenalan/segmentation analysis, purchasing decision analysis, healthy food, marketing strategy, product introduction stage

  1. S2-2020-343999-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2020-343999-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2020-343999-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2020-343999-title.pdf