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Usaha Kedai Makanan dan Minuman Tionghoa di Batavia 1920-1940an

HABIBUL HUDA, Dr. Mutiah Amini, M. Hum

2021 | Skripsi | S1 SEJARAH

Skripsi ini membahas sejarah dan dinamika toko atau kedai milik etnis Tionghoa di Batavia periode 1900-1942. Kajian ini diawali ketika awal abad 20an yang mengawali titik munculnya berbagai pengusaha etnis Tionghoa bidang kuliner seperti pengusaha kedai minuman teh, kopi dan lain lain yang kemudian diakhiri pada saat pendudukan Jepang 1940an. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana akar historis terbentuknya suatu sentral tempat etnis Tionghoa tinggal di Batavia dan memahami proses perkembangan bisnis kedai Tionghoa di Batavia. Metode kualitatif melalui pengumpulan data pustaka, kritik sumber, analisis data dan penulisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kebanyakan pengusaha kedai di Batavia berasal dari kelompok Tionghoa pendatang (totok) bukan peranakan. Depresi ekonomi 1930an cukup mencederai siklus ekonomi Hindia Belanda yang berimbas pada pelaku usaha ekonomi Tionghoa di Batavia harus mengurangi jumlah produk bahkan pekerja. Pebisnis kedai juga turut merakasan dampak akibat peningkatan harga material penting dalam berbisnis yaitu gula, kopi, serta teh. Pengaruh jepang juga membawa dampak pada jatuhnya moral serta ekonomi Tionghoa termasuk para pelaku bisnis.

This thesis discusses the history and dynamics of shops or stalls owned by ethnic Chinese in Batavia for the period 1900-1942. This study was initiated during the early 20th century which started the point of the emergence of various ethnic Chinese businessmen in the culinary field such as tea, coffee and other coffee shops which ended during the 1940s Japanese occupation. This study aims to understand how the historical roots formed a central place for ethnic Chinese living in Batavia and to understand the development process of the Chinese shop business in Batavia. Qualitative methods through library data collection, source criticism, data analysis and writing. The results showed that most of the shopkeepers in Batavia came from the immigrant Chinese (totok) group, not peranakan. The economic depression of the 1930s was quite injurious to the economic cycle of the Dutch East Indies which impacted Chinese economic business actors in Batavia to reduce the number of products and even workers. The shopkeeper also feels the impact due to the increase in the price of important materials in business, namely sugar, coffee and tea. The Japanese influence also had an impact on the moral and economic collapse of Chinese, including business people.

Kata Kunci : Dinamika, Batavia, Kedai. Dynamics, Batavia, Stall.

  1. S1-2021-351584-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-351584-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-351584-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-351584-title.pdf