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Kajian Perumahan Gated Community di Kota Yogyakarta

SATRIA YUDHA A, Dr.rer.pol. Dyah Widiyastuti, S.T., M.C.P.


Berbagai jenis permukiman berkembang di Kota Yogyakarta termasuk di antaranya adalah perumahan gated community. Kebutuhan akan ruang privasi dan jaminan keamanan mendorong berkembangnya perumahan gated community sebagai alternatif hunian dengan karakteristik pembatasan akses yang khas. Penelitian bertujuan (1)memetakan persebaran perumahan gated community di Kota Yogyakarta, (2)mengidentifikasi karakteristik perumahan gated community di Kota Yogyakarta, dan (3)menyusun tipologi perumahan gated community di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan data sekunder berupa data nama, lokasi, dan tahun pembangunan perumahan dalam data Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) perumahan tahun 2000-2019, dokumentasi Google Street View, Citra Pleiades Kota Yogyakarta Tahun Perekaman 2018, citra dari Google Maps, dan Basemap ArcMap. Pemilihan sampel secara purposive sampling dan proportionate stratified random sampling dilakukan berdasarkan fitur gated community, luas lahan, dan distribusi kecamatan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan interpretasi citra dan peta, analisis statistik deskriptif dan tabulasi silang, serta analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perumahan gated community terdistribusi di 8 kecamatan di pinggiran Kota Yogyakarta dengan jumlah 60 dari 102 perumahan terencana. Umur perumahan rata-rata di atas 10 tahun dengan luas <1 hektare dan jumlah unit <30. Fitur pembatasan akses paling banyak berupa dinding/pagar, portal, pos satpam, dan papan nama. Lokasi perumahan berjarak hingga 1 km dari berbagai fasilitas publik. Penghuni perumahan didominasi kelas menengah ke atas dengan kecenderungan individualis dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Mayoritas perumahan tersebut tergolong Tipologi I dengan karakteristik gated community yang kuat dilengkapi fitur pembatasan akses yang lengkap dengan dominasi penghuni pada kelas sosial-ekonomi menengah ke atas.

There are various types of settlement in Yogyakarta City such as gated community housing. The needs of privacy and safety among the people result in the increase of gated community housing by using access limitation. The purposes of this research were (1)mapping the distribution of gated community housing, (2)identifying the characteristics of gated community housing, and (3)constructing the typology of gated community housing in Yogyakarta City. This research used secondary data in form of Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) from year 2000-2019, Google Street View documentation, Pleiades Sattellite Imagery of Yogyakarta City in 2018, Google Maps Imagery, and ArcMap Basemap. The purposive sampling and proportionate stratified random sampling were choosen to select samples based on the features of gated community, calculated area, and sub-districts distribution. Data analysis was undertaken by using sattellite imagery and map interpretation, descriptive statistic, crosstab analysis, and qualitative descriptive analysis. The gated community housing were distributed in 8 sub-districts in Yogyakarta City suburban. Their total were 60 from 102 planned housing in Yogyakarta City. Most of them were more than 10 years old. They covered about <1 hectare area with the <30 total units of houses. Access to the area was delimited by using walls/fences, portals, security posts, and signboard. The gated community housing were located up to 1 km from any publik facilities. They were dominated with middle-upper class residents with individualistic tendency. Most of them was classified into Typology I with strong characteristics of gated community based on complete access delimitation features and middle-upper social economy class.

Kata Kunci : perumahan, gated community, persebaran, karakteristik, tipologi / housing, gated community, distribution, characteristic, typology

  1. S1-2020-393534-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2020-393534-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2020-393534-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2020-393534-title.pdf