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Rute Aman Selamat Sekolah (RASS) di Kota Yogyakarta (Studi Kasus Jalan Kapten Pierre Tendean)

LILIANY, Prof. Ir. Sigit Priyanto, M.Sc., Ph.D;Prof. Dr. Techn. Ir. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc

2018 | Tesis | Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi

Keselamatan lalu lintas di jalan raya khususnya di zona pendidikan, Pemerintah telah mencanangkan program Penerapan Rute Aman Selamat Sekolah (RASS) menurut Peraturan Menteri Nomor: PM 16 tahun 2016 yang ditargetkan untuk meningkatkan keselamatan anak sekolah, lingkungan yang sehat dan tertib berlalu lintas, serta kenyamanan dan keamanan dalam berlalu lintas. Program RASS terdiri atas Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZoSS), Fasilitas Pejalan Kaki, Jalur Sepeda, dan Rute Angkutan Umum.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola perjalan siswa dari dan ke sekolah, penerapan Zona Selamat Sekolah (ZoSS), penerapan fasilitas pejalan kaki, penerapan jalur sepeda, rambu-rambu, dan penerapan rute angkutan umum pada zona pendidikan di Jl. Kapten Pierre Tendean. Survei yang digunakan adalah survei inventarisasi jalan dan lokasi sekolah, survei traffic counting kendaraan, survei pejalan kaki, survei spot speed untuk kendaraan bermotor, dan survei penyebaran kuesioner kepada siswa sekolah. Hasil survei dianalisis dengan MKJI, Cross Tab, Pedestrian, dan Deskriptif. Hasil analisis pola perjalanan siswa ke sekolah diketahui rute perjalanan terbanyak, jarak dari rumah siswa ke sekolah dominan antara 2-5 km sebesar 44% dengan moda yang paling banyak digunakan untuk berangkat dan pulang sekolah adalah sepeda motor. Hasil analisis cross tab menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara jarak dan moda yang digunakan saat berangkat dan pulang sekolah. Kondisi lalu lintas zona pendidikan pada jam masuk sekolah waktu 06.00 – 07.00 volume kendaraan arah A ke B sebesar 704,80 smp/jam, arah B ke A sebesar 495,60 dengan kapasitas jalan sebesar 2517,91 smp/jam, derajat kejenuhan < 0,8, kecepatan kendaraan rata-rata 39,63 km/jam, sehingga diperlukan adanya ZoSS. Fasilitas pejalan kaki seperti fasilitas penyeberangan dengan pelican crossing, jalur sepeda menggunakan Jalur Sepeda Tipe A, dan pemeliharaan rambu – rambu lalu lintas. Jalur angkutan umum yang melintas di zona pendidikan hanya Bus Angkutan Umum AKDP, sedangkan Trans Jogja dan Angkutan Kota perlu menata jalur trayek yang ada.

In order to ensure the highways traffic safety in the education zone, the government has launched an implementation program of School Safety Routes (RASS) according to Ministry Regulation No: PM 16/2016. The program target is to improve the safety of school student, a healthy environment, traffic discipline attitude, the comfort and safety in road traffic. The RASS program consists of a School Safety Zone (ZoSS), Pedestrian facilities, Bicycle Lanes, and Public Transportation Route. The objectives of the study are to elaborate the student trip characteristics from and going to school, School Safety Zone (ZoSS) implementation, application of the pedestrian facilities, bicycle lanes implementation, signs, and public transport route implementation around the school zone at Kapten Pierre Tendean street. The survey conducted were school location and road inventory survey, vehicle traffic counting survey, pedestrian survey, spot speed survey of motorcycles, and a questionnaire survey to the elementary school students. The survey data were analyzed using MKJI, Cross-Tab, Pedestrian, and descriptive method. The analysis results of students trip to go to school obtain the most frequent trip route, The average distance ranges between students home to school is 2 to 5 km about 44% with the most used mode was the motorcycle. The results of cross tab analysis show that there is no relationship between the distance and mode used from and going to school. The traffic volume around the school zone in departure time about 6:00 to 07:00 pm. on the trip from B to A is 704.80 pcu/hour, whereas the traffic volume from B to A of 495.60 pcu/hour with the road capacity of 2,517.91 pcu/hour. Based on the value of the Degree of Saturation (DS) < 0.8 and an average vehicle speed of 39.63 km/h, it is necessary to implement ZoSS at the study location, pedestrian facilities with pelican crossing, A-type bicycle lanes, and the maintenance of traffic signs. The public transportation which passes around the education zone is only the AKDP public buses, while Trans Jogja and City Transport need to re-track of the existing route.

Kata Kunci : RASS,ZoSS,Cross Tabulation,Pedestrian

  1. S2-2018-404489-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2018-404489-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2018-404489-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2018-404489-title.pdf