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WANRI LUMBANRAJA, Prof. Dr. Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito

2016 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Fisika

Selama fase aktif tahun 2014 lima seismometer yang ditempatkan di sekitar Gunungapi Slamet merekam sinyal tremor mulai pertengahan Juli. Keberadaan tremor ini kemudian diikuti dengan letusan-letusan abu dan lontaran lava pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2014, hingga terjadi letusan-letusan pada awal hingga pertengahan September 2014. Analisis spektrum dilakukan pada sinyal tremor untuk mengetahui kandungan frekuensi sinyal tersebut, metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menerapkan Metode Entropi Maksimum. Selain analisis spektrum, analisis polarisasi juga diterapkan untuk mengetahui karakter gelombang seismik tremor. Rentang spektrum yang dikandung oleh sinyal relatif sempit terletak antara 1 Hz higga 4 Hz, dimana puncak daya spektruk dominan terletak pada frekuesi rata-rata 2,0 Hz dan 3,1 Hz. Terdapat hubungan antara pola daya spektrum dengan bocornya magma ke permukaan, dimana erupsi terjadi setelah diawali oleh pelemahan atau kehilangan daya frekuensi 3,1 Hz. Analisis gerakan partikel menunjukan adanya gelombang Rayleigh dengan arah propagasi ke utara. Selain itu, gelombang SH juga teramati dengan arah tangensial terhadap puncak Gunung Slamet. Gelombang Raylaigh ini mengonfirmasi bahwa sumber tremor relatif dangkal, relatif terhadap seismometer 3 komponen. Saat mendekati fase erupsi, besar sudut azimut cenderung bergeser ke arah 0 derajat dan sudut datang cenderung bergeser ke arah 90 derajat, fakta ini mengarah pada kesimpulan bahwa pipa tidak vertikal sempurna melainkan memiliki kemiringan, perubahan azimut dan sudut datang ini mengindikasikan adanya kenaikan magma ke puncak.

During the active phase in 2014 five seismometers installed around Slamet volcano begun recording tremor signals in mid-July. The existence of them were followed by erruptions of ash and lava burst in 18th August 2014, then there were the main erruptions in the early to mid-September 2014. Spectral analysis was performed on the signal to determine the frequency contents of the tremor, while the method used was Maximum Entropy method. Beside this analysis, polarization analysis was also applied to determine the character of the seismic wave tremor. The range of the spectrum contained by the signal lied relatively narrow between 1 to 4 Hz, where the dominant power spectral peak lied in average frequency of 2.0 Hz and 3.1 Hz. There was a correlation between the pattern of the power spectrum and the magma leaking to the surface that the erruption occured after initiated by the weakening or loss of power frequency of 3.1 Hz. Particle motion analysis showed the presence of Rayleigh wave which propagation to the north direction. In additon, the SH waves were also observed in the tangential direction to the summit of Mount Slamet. This Rayleigh wave confirmed that the tremor source was relatively shallow, relative to the three-components seismometer. When approaching erruptive phase, azimuth angles tended to shift toward 0 degree and incident angles tended to shift toward 90 degrees. This fact leads to the conclusion that the pipe was not perfectly vertical but had a certain slope. The changes in azimuth angles and incident angles indicated the existence of magma ascent to the summit.

Kata Kunci : Tremor, Mount Slamet, Magma Dynamics, Maximum Entropy Method, Polarization, Particle Motion

  1. S2-2016-351297-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2016-351297-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2016-351297-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2016-351297-title.pdf