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HERLINA RATNA SARI, Dr. Ir. Dyah Ismoyowati, M.Sc ; Darmawan Ari Nugroho, STP, MP


Industri minuman berpemanis siap minum memiliki potensi yang besar, namun berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan. Dampak tersebut menumbuhkan kesadaran akan gaya hidup sehat. Agroindustri perlu melihat peluang tersebut untuk memasarkan minuman siap minum yang lebih sehat (rendah gula). Sebagai langkah awal, perlu diketahui perilaku dan pola konsumsi dimana pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada konsumen usia dewasa muda di Kota Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui survey berbasis kuesioner pada 300 responden. Perilaku dikelompokkan berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behavior dan sosio-demografi, lalu dianalisis dengan Two Step Clustering. Pada pola konsumsi menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Terbentuk tiga cluster perilaku yaitu No Health Worries (21%), Shifter (53,3%), dan Healthy Seeker (25,7%) dimana ketiganya memiliki keseimbangan gender. Pada rentang umur dewasa muda, No Health Worries dan Healthy Seeker mayoritas berumur 20-29 tahun dan Shifter 20-24 tahun. Shifter dan Healthy Seeker memiliki kesamaan sosio-demografis yaitu lulusan SMA/Sederajat dan S1, swasta, dan berpendapatan/bulan maksimal Rp3.000.000, sedangkan No Health Worries mayoritas lulusan SMA/Sederajat, mahasiswa dan berpendapatan/bulan <Rp1.500.000. Pada pola konsumsi, rata-rata konsumsi tertinggi untuk umum dan cluster No Health Worries adalah teh, sedangkan Shifter adalah susu berperisa. Pada Healthy Seeker, rata-rata konsumsi tertinggi per kapita adalah susu berperisa dan per konsumen adalah kopi dan isotonik. Selanjutnya, rata-rata asupan kalori tertinggi secara keseluruhan adalah susu berperisa. Jika dilihat dari keseluruhan konsumsi dan asupan kalori, Shifter dan No Health Worries berkontribusi sama tinggi, sedangkan Healthy Seeker terendah. Terakhir, minuman bersumber dari pembelian di minimarket dan dikonsumsi di rumah atau tempat tinggal lainnya.

Sugar sweetened ready-to-drink beverages industry had great potential, but also had negative impact for health. That impact raised awareness of healthy lifestyle. Agroindustry need to saw that as an opportunity for healthier ready-to-drink beverages (low sugar).First, you need to know the behaviour and consumption patterns, especially in young adults consumer in the city of Yogyakarta. Data were collected through questionnaire-based survey of 300 respondents. Behaviour have been grouped based on Theory of Planned Behaviour and socio-demographic, then analyzed with Two Step Clustering. Consumption patterns have been analyzed by descriptive statistics. There were three clusters; No Health Worries (21%), Shifter (53,3%), and Healthy Seeker (25,7%) where all cluster had gender balance. For the age range of young adults, No Health Worries and Healthy Seeker majority aged 20-29 and Shifter aged 20-24. Shifter and Healthy Seeker had socio-demographic similarities includes high school graduate and bachelor degree, private employees, and maximum income/month Rp3.000.000, while No Health Worries includes high school graduate, students, and income/month <Rp1.500.000. On the consumption pattern, the highest average consumption in general and No Health Worries was tea, while Shifter was flavoured milk. In Healthy Seeker, the highest average consumption per capita was flavoured milk and per consumer was coffee and isotonic. Then the highest average calorie intake in both general and cluster was flavoured milk. From overall consumption and calorie intake, Shifter had contribution as high as No Health Worries, while the lowest was Healthy Seeker. Last, that beverages majority came from the purchase at the minimarket and consumed at home or other home environment.

Kata Kunci : Minuman Berpemanis dalam Kemasan Siap Minum, Perilaku, Pola Konsumsi, Two Step Clustering

  1. S1-2017-333178-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2017-333178-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2017-333178-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2017-333178-title.pdf