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Perencanaan Kawasan Kota Lama Kendari dengan Konsep Tourism And Urban Regeneration

ADITYA HIDAYAT, Prof. Ir. Bakti Setiawan, M.A., Ph.D.


RPJMD Kota Kendaru 2010-2030 mewacanakan Kota Lama Kendari sebagai kawasan destinasi wisata. Kota Lama merupakan kawasan bersejarah karena merupakan embrio lahirnya Kota Kendari. Tepian air berupa teluk, bangunan bersejarah pusat ekonomi dan infrastruktur pelabuhan merupakan nilai ruang yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai destinasi wisata yang berciri khas. Namun terdapat permasalahan seperti, penggusuran bangunan bersejarah sampai pembangunan Jembatan Batheramas yang menyebabkab degradasi sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan yang menghambat pengembangan destinasi wisata. Pendekatan perencanaan dilakukan melalui pendekatan Gap Analysis, pohon dan objektif masalah untuk merumuskan permasalahan, potensi dan langkah objektif yang harus diberikan solusi. Grand Concept perencanaan ini didapatkan dari hasil elaborasi perancangan kota (Hamid Shirvani), Regeneraasi Kota (Craggs) dan teori wisata yang digunakan sebagai komponen, indikator dan tolak ukur perencanaan yang melahirkan landasan konseptual perencanaan bertajuk Tourism and Urban Regeneration. Data-data sumber analisis tersebut didapatkan dari studi literature dan kajian pembangunan daerah, serta disempurnakan melalui survei lapangan dan Interview. Terdapat 2 penyusunan alternatif yaitu distributed zoning dan water-oriented zoning.sebagai pertimbangan memilih perencanaan zonasi. Akhirnya terpilih water-oriented zoning sebagai rencana zonasi untuk menjadikan ruang air sebagai etalase pariwisata Kota Kendari yang berciri khas. Produk perencanaan yang dihasilkan berupa master plan, rencana detail dan aktivitas sebagai rekomendasi untuk pemerintah daerah serta wahana pembelajaran bagi penulis sebagai perencana kota dimasa depan.

The 2010-2030 RPJMD of Kendari City plans the Kota Lama of Kendari as a tourist destination. Kota Lama is a historical area as it was an embryo of the birth of Kendari City. The waterfront in the form of a bay, the historic building of the economic center, and the port infrastructure are the values of the space that can be developed as a distinctive tourist destination. However, there are many problems Kota Lama that include the eviction of historical buildings until the construction of the Batheramas Bridge which causes social, economic and environmental degradation that hinders the development of tourist destinations. The planning approach is carried out through the Gap Analysis approach, problem trees, and objective issues to formulate problems, potential and objective steps that have to be overcome with a solution. The Grand Concept of planning was obtained from the results of the elaboration of the city design (Hamid Shirvani), City Regeneration (Craggs) and tourism theory which was used as a component, indicator, and benchmark of planning which generates a conceptual basis for planning entitled Tourism and Urban Regeneration. The sources of analysis data were obtained from literature studies and regional development studies and were refined through field surveys and interviews. There are 2 alternative arrangements i.e. distributed zoning and water-oriented zoning as consideration choose the zoning planning. In the end, selected water-oriented zoning plan becomes a zoning plan to create the waterfront space as Kendari City's tourism storefront characterized by its distinctive features. The resulting planning products in this study obtained in the form of master plan, detailed plans and activities as recommendations for the local government and a vehicle for learning for the writer as a city planner in the future.

Kata Kunci : Regenerasi Kota, Wisata, Rancang Kota, Teluk, Kota Lama/: Urban Regeneration, Tourism, Urban Design, Waterfront, Old City

  1. S1-2018-363379-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2018-363379-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2018-363379-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2018-363379-title.pdf