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R.TRI CITRA LESTARI, B.M Purwanto, Dr., M.B.A.,

2017 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Model CSR pengembangan pariwisata berbasis komunitas melalui Balkondes ternyata belum sepenuhnya dipahami oleh hampir semua desa dan BUMN sponsor. Banyak Balkondes yang sudah selesai tahap pembangunan fisik, belum mampu bergerak untuk melakukan aktivasi. Dari hasil observasi, kejadian ini dikarenakan beberapa hal, diantaranya: desa masih sibuk berdebat tentang fungsi BUMN pendamping (PT TWC) dalam pengelolaan Balkondes; antara desa dengan perangkatnya masih belum sinergi; desa dengan karyawan Balkondes juga belum sejalan; peran BUMDes pada banyak desa juga belum berjalan; minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat akan fungsi dari Balkondes. Tidak hanya sampai disitu, BUMN sponsor juga belum mengerti lebih jauh mengenai konsep model CSR BUMN pengembangan pariwisata berbasis komunitas di Kawasan Borobudur. Balkondes menjadi terpisah dari aktivitas masyarakat serta respon-respon negatif mulai bermunculan dari masyarakat. Seolah-olah Balkondes merupakan bisnisnya PT TWC sebagai BUMN pendamping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan model CSR pengembangan pariwisata berbasis komunitas melalui Balkondes guna membantu PT TWC sebagai BUMN pendamping. Serta membantu mendeskripsikan pola proyek percontohan Balkondes di desa Borobudur dan mengidentifikasi dampak Balkondes bagi masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa model CSR BUMN dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis komunitas melibatkan elemen dari pariwisata dan komunitas dalam pengelolaan Balkondes. Balkondes hadir untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada pengunjung melalui bahasa, sejarah, seni dan budaya, kearifan lokal, ritual/upacara, komoditas lokal, dan infrastruktur. Komunitas adalah orang yang terlibat lebih jauh dalam pengelolaan Balkondes. Proses pengembangan proyek percontohan Balkondes desa Borobudur melewati tahap perencanaan, pembangunan dan operalisasi Balkondes. Hadirnya Balkondes memberikan dampak ekonomi berupa: menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan baru bagi pemuda dan pemudi desa: meningkatkan pendapatan ibu-ibu PKK, komunitas pedagang, komunitas Andong, dan RT maupun dusun setempat; Balkondes menyumbang dividen bagi PADes Borobudur sebesar Rp32.000.000-/semester pada pertengahan tahun 2017. Sedangkan dampak sosial, Balkondes memberikan ruang publik bagi masyarakat, meningkatkan modal sosial dan menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri masyarakat desa.

CSR model of community-based tourism development through village economic center was not fully understood by almost all villages and SOE sponsors. Many village economic center that have finished the physical development phase, have not been able to move to perform the activation. From the observation, this incident is due to several things, including: the village is still busy debating about the functions of assistant SOE (PT TWC) in the management of village economic center; between the village and its equipment is still not synergy; villages with village economic center employees also have not been aligned; the role of ROEes in many villages is not yet running; lack of public knowledge of the functions of village economic center. Not only up there, SOE sponsors also have not understood more about the concept of CSR model SOEs development of community-based tourism in the Borobudur Area. Village economic center became separated from community activities and negative responses began to emerge from society. It is as if village economic center is a business of PT TWC as a assistant SOE. This study aims to describe CSR model of community-based tourism development through Village economic center to assist PT TWC as a assistant SOE. As well as helping to describe the pattern of the Village economic center pilot project in Borobudur village and identify the impact of Village economic center for the surrounding community. This research uses qualitative research study with case study research type. The results of this study indicate that the model of state-owned CSR in the development of community-based tourism involves elements of tourism and communities in the management of Village economic center. Village economic center is here to provide visitors with experience through language, history, art and culture, local wisdom, rituals / ceremonies, mnemonic device, and infrastructure. Communities are people who are more involved in managing Village economic center. The process of developing the Village economic center pilot project in Borobudur village passes the planning, development and operalization of Village economic center. The presence of Village economic center provides economic impacts such as: providing new jobs for youth and village women: increasing the income of Fostering Family Welfare women, merchant communities, Andong communities, and local village; Village economic center contributed dividend to locally-generated revenue of Borobudur for Rp32,000,000-/semester in mid 2017. While social impact, Village economic center provide public space for society, increase social fund and foster self-confidence of village people.

Kata Kunci : Model CSR BUMN, pariwisata berbasis komunitas

  1. S2-2017-391841-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-391841-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-391841-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-391841-title.pdf