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AZIS ELY, Prof. Dr.Ir. Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto MS.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kalayakan usaha budidaya rumput laut dan mengetahui strategi pengembangan usaha budidaya rumput laut di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yaitu dilakukan dengan memilih lokasi secara sengaja di Kecamatan Seram Barat yang meliputi dusun Kotania, pulau Osi, dusun Wael, Loupesy, dan dusun Taman Jaya, dimana kawasan ini adalah sentra produksi rumput laut. Responden yang di ambil sebanyak 40 berasal dari pembudidaya, 6 pegawai dinas, dan 1 pengepul. Analisis data dilakukan untuk melihat kelayakan usaha dan strategi pengembangan usaha budidaya rumput laut. Analisis menggunakan beberapa model, yaitu, Revenue Cost ratio (R/C), Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C), Break Even Point (BEP), dan Internal Rate of Invesment (ROI). Untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan dilakukan dengan analisis SWOT, yang di awali dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan yang digunakan dalam analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh nilai Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C > 1) sebesar 2,32, Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C > 0) sebesar 1,32, Break Event Point Harga sebesar Rp. 3.232,88, Break Event Point Produksi sebesar 989,26 Kg, Rate of Investmant (ROI) sebesar 131,99%. Dari hasil analisis usaha dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha pengembangan rumput laut di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat layak untuk dikembangkan. Berdasarkan analisis SWOT, startegi yang dapat di rumuskan dalam pengembangan budidaya rumput laut adalah mengurangi intensitas budidaya, perluasan areal, peningkatan produksi, memaksimalkan potensi kearifan lokal masyarakat berupa kewang laut dan Pemerintah berperan sebagai fasilitator, melakukan pembinaan dan Pengawasan.

The objectives of this study are to find out the level of business feasibility for seaweed cultivation and setting the strategy developmentbussiness of seaweed cultivation in West Seram regency. Purposive sampling method was applied in this study for selecting locations in the district as center of seaweed production. West SeramKotania, OsiIsland, Wael hamlet, WaePesy, and Taman Jaya were selected as region for this study. From the location of the study, there were 47 respondentswere selected by stratified random samplingfor the SWOT analysis, composed as fisherman 40 respondents, fisher and naval official 6, and 1 collectors. Data analysis was carried out to look at the business feasibility and development strategy in seaweed cultivation. Feasibility analysis, namely Revenue Cost ratio (R / C), Benefit Cost Ratio (B / C), Break Even Point (BEP), andInternal Rate of Investment (ROI) were applied. Moreover, to formulate the development strategy, the SWOT analysis instrument was used, which begins with the validity and reliability of the statements used in the SWOT analysis. Based on the analysis there were obtained that value of Revenue Cost Ratio (R /C>1) at 2.32, Benefit Cost Ratio (B /C>0) at 1.32, Break Event Point of priceRp. 3,232.88, Break Event Point unit production of Rp. 989.26 Kg, Rate of Investmant (ROI) at 131.99 %. From the analysis it can be concluded that the business development efforts of seaweed in the district of West Seram deserves to be developed. Then, SWOT analysis result shown that development strategy of seaweed farming is to reduce the intensity of cultivation, expansion and increased production, and maximizing the potential of local wisdom in the form of marine guard. Meanwhile, local governance should facilitate the development of seaweed production by serving coaches and supervision of seaweed farming.

Kata Kunci : Strategi pengembangan, rumput laut, kelayakan usaha dan SWOT

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