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AINUN NISA, Lily Arsanti Lestari, STP, MP

2013 | Skripsi | GIZI KESEHATAN

Latar Belakang: Dewasa ini, banyak berkembang aneka jenis makanan yang bermanfaat bagi tubuh dan kesehatan, termasuk salah satunya adalah makanan fungsional. Ubi jalar ungu adalah pangan lokal yang memiliki potensi tinggi sebagai pangan fungsional karena kaya akan gizi dan komponen aktif seperti antioksidan yaitu asam phenolat, antosianin dan tokoferol yang dapat mencegah timbulnya beberapa penyakit. Dari hal tersebut, dapat dilakukan sebuah inovasi penganekaragaman pangan dalam bentuk yogurt yang berasal dari ubi jalar ungu. Selama ini pembuatan yogurt kurang memperhatikan variasi dan perlakuan bahan dasarnya. Terdapat beberapa penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa proses pengolahan dapat mempengaruhi kandungan antioksidan. Dari hal tersebut, timbul ide untuk membandingkan karakteristik fisik dan kimia berdasarkan perbedaan perlakuan bahan dasarnya yaitu dalam bentuk tepung dan sari ubi jalar ungu. Tujuan: Mengetahui karakteristik fisik (viskositas) dan kimia (pH, total asam tertitrasi, antosianin, aktivitas antioksidan) yogurt ubi jalar ungu yang dibuat dari tepung dan sari ubi jalar ungu. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental murni dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Yogurt dibuat dari tepung ubi jalar ungu dan sari ubi jalar ungu. Sifat fisik yang diteliti adalah viskositas, sedangkan sifat kimia yang diteliti adalah pH, total asam tertitrasi, antosianin, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Analisis statistik Independent Sampel T-test untuk menguji viskositas, Mann Whitney Test untuk menguji data pH dan total asam tertitrasi, serta uji One Way Anova untuk data antosianin dan aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil Penelitian: Dengan adanya perbedaan proses pengolahan bahan dasar yogurt dalam bentuk tepung dan sari, terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada viskositas yogurt ubi jalar ungu (p<0,05). Terdapat perbedaan pada pH dan total asam tertitrasi antara yogurt sari dan tepung ubi jalar ungu (p<0,05). Pada antosianin dan aktivitas antioksidan juga terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara yogurt sari dan tepung ubi jalar ungu (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: terdapat perbedaan viskositas, pH, total asam tertitrasi, antosianin dan aktivitas antioksidan antara yogurt sari dan yogurt tepung ubi jalar ungu.

Background: Recently, there were many kind of food which had benefits for our health, including functional food. Purple sweet potato was one of local food which had high potency as functional food. Not only nutritious, but also it has a lot of active components such as phenolic acid, anthocyanin, and tocopherol which were antioxidants that could prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Purple sweet potato as functional food can be consumed in the form of yogurt. Meanwhile in the making of yogurt, there were little concern regarding variation and processing method of the raw materials. Previous studies showed that processing method could affect the antioxidant level. Hence that would be necessary to compare the physical and chemical characteristics between different treatment of raw materials, in the form of powder and paste. Objective: To determine the physical characteristics (viscosity) and chemical (pH, total of titrated acid, anthocyanins, antioxidant activity) purple sweet potato yogurt made from powder and purple sweet potato paste. Methods: It was experimental research with a completely randomized design. Yogurt is made from purple sweet potato powder and purple sweet potato paste. The physical properties were viscosity. Chemical properties were pH, total of titrated acid, anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity. Statistical analysis Independent Samples T-test to test the viscosity, whereas pH and total titrated acid were tested with Mann-Whitney test, and anthocyanin level and antioxidant activity were tested with One Way Anova. Results: Differences in the processing of the raw materials of yogurt in the form of powder and paste caused significant differences in the viscosity of yogurt (p<0.05). There were significant differences in pH, total titrated acid, anthocyanin level, and antioxidant activity between yogurt from purple sweet potato paste and yogurt from purple sweet potato powder (p<0.05). Conclusion: There were differences in viscosity, pH, total titrated acid, anthocyanin level, and antioxidant activity between yogurt from purple sweet potato paste and from purple sweet potato powder.

Kata Kunci : yogurt, ubi jalar ungu, sifat fisik, sifat kimia

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