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UBAIDILLAH, Dr. M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin

2011 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Filsafat

Pengertian filsafat politik tidak hanya membahas asal-usul, fungsi dan tujuan negara, komplesitas perilaku manusia telah membuat Filsafat politik penuh imajinasi sosio-politik yang ideal. Filsafat politik menjadi fondasi dari pengetahuan manusia mengenai negara dan nalurinya sebagai mahluk sosial yang selalu berkelompok, selalu butuh terhadap yang lainnya. Peneliti melakukan penelitian pemikiran filsafat politik al-Farabi tentang negara dalam perpektif filsafat politiknya, kemampuannya dalam mensinergikan filsafat Yunani klasik dengan keilmuan Islam khususnya politik menjadikannya seorang filsuf muslim berpengaruh. pandangan- Dengan menggunakan metode Interpretasi, Induksi dan Deduksi, Kesinambungan Historis dan Refleksi kritis. Hasil penelitian ini dapat di simpulkan: pertama Filsafat politik adalah pandangan para filsuf Yunani klasik yaitu Socrates, Plato dan Aristoteles mengenai filsafat. Kedua, Filsafat politik al-Farabi yaitu mengenai negara ideal yang mampu membawa kebahagiaan untuk rakyatnya adalah Negara Utama (al-Madinah al-Fadhilah). Negara yang terbentuk dari masyarakat yang telah sempurna (kamilah sugra) dan lengkap unsur-unsurnya, yaitu telah mengerti hak-hak dan tanggungjwabnya. Ketiga, pemimpin negara haruslah memiliki keutamaan dan keilmuan layaknya seorang nabi (Nubuwah), dan keempat tujuan dari Negara Utama adalah membawa masyarakat menuju kebahagiaan (al-Sa’adah) dunia dan akhirat. Relevansinya dengan kondisi Indonesia adalah sosok pemimpin Indonesia yang harus berpengetahuan tinggi dan kuat secara politik, sehingga nantinya membawa negara Indonesia menuju ke masa depan yang lebih baik.

The Philosophy of Politics is not only talking about the origin, the function, as well as the goal of a nation, but also about the complexity of human behavior which makes the discourse in the Philosophy of Politics is full of an ideal imagination of social and political states. The Philosophy of Politics has again become the main core of human knowledge about a nation and also about their instinct as a social creature which is always be dependent on the others creatures. Here, the researcher is conducting a research about Al-Farabi’s philosophical thought related to Politics, and it is directed to analyze his political point of view on the concept of a Nation. It is also aimed to comprehend AlFarabi ’s ability in combining Greek’s classical philosophy with Islamic knowledge, especially in Politics. That is why, Al-Farabi is still considered as a great Moslem philosopher. n This research was committed by using an Interpretation, Induction, Deduction, Historical Synergies, as well as Critical Reflection method. This research has arrived in four main conclusions, for instance : firstly, the Philosophy of Politics was born by the Great Greek Classical Philosopher, namely, Socrates, Plato, and Aristoteles. Secondly, Al-Farabi’s political thought is related with the concept of an ideal nation that may lead the people to a welfare state, which is called a leading-nation (al-Madi ah al-Fadhilah). It is explained as a form of a nation that is created from a well-established society (kamilah sugra) which has already completed in their part or in the other word, the society has already understood about their privileges and responsibilities. Thirdly, a nation’s leader should be advanced in his attitude as well as in his knowledge, just like a prophet (Nubuwah). And the last, the goal of a leading-nation is exactly to bring its society to their greatest happiness, both in the current world and in the after world. The relevance with Indonesia’s condition is, an Indonesian leader should have a great and strong political knowledge, so that he may bring the nation into a better life in the future.

Kata Kunci : Filsafat Politik al-Farabi, Negara Utama, kebahagiaan

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