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Studi degradasi zat pewarna non azo menggunakan Ferrat (FeO4 2-)

KUSUMAWATI, Nita, Dr. Roto, M.Eng

2008 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kimia

Telah dipelajari sintesis kalium ferrat dan aplikasinya dalam degradasi zat pewarna non azo meliputi rhodamin-B, naftol dan metilen biru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari degradasi zat pewarna rodamin- B, naftol dan metilen biru menggunakan kalium ferrat. Penelitian ini diawali dengan sintesis dan karakterisasi kalium ferrat sebelum direaksikan dengan rhodamin-B, naftol dan metilen biru. Stabilitas larutan kalium ferrat pada sejumlah pH telah diteliti. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi proses reaksi seperti pH dan rasio molar Fe(VI):zat pewarna telah dipelajari. Hasil degradasi dikuantisasi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Reaksi antara ferrat dengan rhodamin-B, naftol dan metilen biru diteliti dengan rasio molar Fe(VI):zat pewarna bervariasi, mulai 1:1 – 5:1. Prosedur sintesis kalium ferrat memberikan kemurnian tinggi (90%). Dari spektra XRD, ditemukan bahwa ferrat memiliki struktur tetrahedral dengan space group D2h (Pnma). Larutan kalium ferrat memiliki kestabilan maksimum pada pH 9-10 . pH optimal untuk degradasi rhodamin- B, naftol dan metilen biru, masing- masing adalah 9; 9,4 dan 9,6. Pada pH ini dan pada rasio molar Fe(V I):zat pewarna 5:1, masing-masing sebanyak 100, 95,4 dan 100% senyawa rhodamin- B, naftol dan metilen biru dapat terdegradasi setelah reaksi selama 30 menit.

Synthesis of potassium ferrate and its application in degradation of non azoic dyes such as rhodamine-B, naphthol and methylene blue have been studied. The purpose of this research is to study degradation of rhodamine-B, naphthol and methylene blue using potassium ferrate. Synthesis and characterization of potassium ferrate were performed before it was reacted with rhodamine-B, naphthol and methylene blue. The aqueous stability of potassium ferrate at various pH values was investigated. Some parameters influencing degradation process reaction such as pH and molar ratio of Fe(VI):dye have been studied. The progress of reaction was followed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The aqueous reaction of ferrate with rhodamin B, naphthol and methylene blue was also investigated with a molar ratio of Fe(VI):dye in the range of 1:1 – 5:1. The synthesis procedure of potassium ferrate gives a high purity (90%). From XRD spectra, it was found that samples of the solid have a tetrahedral structure with a space group of D2h(Pnma). It was found that potassium ferrate solution had a maximum stability at pH 9-10. The optimal pH for rhodamine-B, naphthol and methylene blue was 9; 9.4 and 9.6, respectively. At these pH and a Fe(VI):dye molar ratio of 5:1, approximately 100; 95,4 and 100% of the rodhamine-B, naphthol and methylene blue rescpectively were degraded after 30 minutes of reaction.

Kata Kunci : Degradai zat,Pewarna non azo,Naftol,Metilen biru,Kalium ferrat

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