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Pengaruh lingkungan fisik dan perilaku pemakai sumur gali terhadap kualitas bakteriologis pada air sumur gali di Kelurahan Jembatan Mas Kecamatan Pemayung Kabupaten Batanghari Propinsi Jambi

IDHAMSYAH, Jonny, Prof.Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc

2008 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Kerja (Kesehatan Lingkungan)

Air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok yang mutlak bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Selain itu air juga berperan penting dalam penularan penyakit, mengingat pentingnya air tersebut maka perlu dilakukan pengawasan terhadap kualitas air dengan kegiatan inspeksi sanitasi, pemeriksaan bakteriologis terhadap tingkat pencemaran dengan kandungan bakteri coliform sebagai indikator ≤ 50 per 100 ml air. Pelaksanaan pengawasan kualitas air di Kelurahan Jembatan Mas menunjukkan sebagian besar (70%) kualitas airnya secara bakteriologis belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran bakteri coliform pada sumur, yaitu lingkungan fisik, konstruksi, perilaku, dan jumlah pemakai. Metode observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional study dipergunakan pada penelitian ini. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 40 sumur dengan tingkat resiko pencemaran rendah, pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan bakteri coliform dengan analisis laboratorium. Hasil penelitian, dari 40 sumur didapat kualitas bakteriologis airnya memnuhi syarat (32,5%), lingkungan fisik memenuhi syarat (55,0%), konstruksi memenuhi syarat (67,5%), perilaku pemakai baik (62,5%), dan jumlah pemakai sedikit (40,0%). Sumur dengan kualitas bakteriologis airnya memenuhi syarat 54,5% terdapat pada lingkungan fisik yang memenuhi syarat (p= 0,003), 44,4% pada konstruksi yang memenuhi syarat (p= 0,030), 48,0% pada perilaku baik (p= 0,013), dan 75,0% pada jumlah pemakai sedikit (p= 0,000). Kesimpulan, terdapat pengaruh positif yang bermakna antara lingkungan fisik, konstruksi, dan perilaku pemakai terhadap kualitas bakteriologis air sumur (p < 0,05). Terdapat pengaruh negatif yang bermakna antara jumlah pemakai terhadap kualitas bakteriologis air sumur (p < 0,05). Lingkungan fisik mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan terhadap baik tidaknya kualitas bakteriologis pada air sumur dengan koefisien Wald (4,322).

Water is one of several primary needs for human and other life creature. In spite of that, water also has as significance role in a spreading of disease. Considering that significance role, these need a surveillance on water quality, those through sanitation inspection, then by bacteriological probe to know the degree of pollution by coliform contain probe as an indicator < 50 /100 ml water volume. The result of water quality surveillance in Jembatan Mas Village showed that most (70%) of the water quality of the dug well is not sufficient meet health bacteriological prerequisite yet. The aim of research was to know the influence of the factors that may caused coliform bacterial pollution to the dug well, that is physical environment, dug well construction, behavior and user number of the dug well. The research used observational method and cross sectional design. The sample was 40 dug wells with low pollution risk level, and the data collection was by interview, observation and coliform bacteriological probe in the laboratory. The result of the research showed that; from 40 dug wells, its derived that bacteriological quality was meet its prerequisite in32.5%, the physical environment meet its prerequisite in 55%, dug wells construction meet the prerequisite in 67.5%, and dug well user was a little in 40%. The dug well with water bacteriological quality meet the prerequisite was 54.5% exist in physical environmental which meet the prerequisite (p=0.030), 44.4% exist in dug well construction that meet the prerequisite (p=0.030), 48.0% with its user’s behavior was good (p=0.013), and 75.0% was a dug well with its user was few. Conclusions, there was significant positive influence of the physical environment, dug well construction, and user behavior to the dug well water quality (p<0.05). There was significant negative influence of the dug well user’s behavior, amount of the user and the bacteriological quality of the dug well water (p<0.05). Physical environment had most predominant influence to the bacteriological quality of the dug well water with Wald coefficient was (4.322).

Kata Kunci : Kesehatan Lingkungan,Air Sumur Gali,Kualitas Bakteriologis, Physical environment, behavior, and bacteriological quality of the dug well water

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