Pengaruh latihan pasrah diri terhadap kadar C-Reactive Protein pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2 dengan gejala depresi
RUDIANSYAH, Mohammad, Prof.dr. H.A.H. Asdie, SpPD-KEMD
2008 | Tesis | PPDS I Ilmu Penyakit DalamLatar Belakang: Diabetes melitus adalah kelompok kelainan metabolik yang ditandai dengan adanya hiperglikemia kronik akibat defisiensi insulin baik relatif maupun absolut. Data penelitian terkontrol menunjukkan gejala depresi lebih sering pada penderita diabetes dibandingkan populasi umum. Komordibitas Diabetes Melitus (DM) tipe 2 dengan gangguan psikiatrik mempunyai hubungan timbal balik yang saling memberatkan dan menghalangi keberhasilan dalam penanganan penderita. Penderita DM sering terjadi inflamasi kronik. Salah satu penanda respon inflamasi adalah C-Reactive Protein (CRP). Penanganan diabetes melitus dengan gejala depresi belum optimal. Latihan pasrah diri (LPD), merupakan metode gabungan relaksasi jiwa dan raga dengan fokus pada pernafasan dan zikir sehingga tercapai kondisi relaksasi secara fisiologis. Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh LPD terhadap kadar CRP pada penderita DM tipe 2 dengan gejala depresi. Metode: Penelitian merupakan studi PROBE (Prospective, Randomized, Opened trial, end Blinded Evaluation), mengikutkan penderita DM tipe 2 yang tidak terkontrol dengan obat selama 3 bulan dengan gejala depresi, kontrol rutin di Poliklinik Endokrin RS Dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta. Penentuan gejala depresi menggunakan Beck’s Depression Inventroy (BDI). Dilakukan randomisasi 44 subyek penelitian menjadi kelompok perlakuan dengan LPD (22) dan kelompok kontrol tanpa perlakuan (22). Kelompok perlakuan melakukan LPD 2 kali sehari selama 21 hari, antara Oktober 2005 – Januari 2006. Kadar hsCRP diukur sebelum dan sesudah penelitian. Respon relaksasi diukur melalui denyut nadi dan skor BDI. Hasil: Analisis awal membandingkan karateristik data dasar pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol, menunjukkan hasil tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna. Kadar hsCRP (0,45 mg/dL) penderita DM (44) dengan gejala depresi menunjukkan lebih tinggi dibanding nilai normal (<0,3 mg/dL). Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna penurunan rerata kadar hsCRP dari 0,45+0,38 mg/dL menjadi 0,31+0,23 mg/dL (0,14 mg/dL) vs 0,63+0,89 mg/dL menjadi 0,55+0,73 mg/dL (0,10+0,85 mg/dL) pada masing-masing kelompok LPD dan kontrol (p=0,343). Latihan Pasrah Diri bermakna menurunkan denyut nadi sampai melewati zona relaksasi (6 kali/menit) (p=0,000) dan seperti juga skor BDI menjadi normal (16 menjadi 9) (p=0,10) dibanding kontrol. Simpulan: Latihan Pasrah Diri mampu menurunkan kadar hsCRP pada penderita DM tipe 2 dengan gejala depresi, tapi tidak bermakna dibandingkan kontrol. Terjadi penurunan denyut nadi dan skor BDI bermakna pada penderita yang melakukan LPD. Latihan Pasrah Diri dapat menjadi terapi alternatif untuk mencapai respon relaksasi dan memperbaiki gejala depresi.
Background: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by a chronic hyperglycemia as a result of a relative or absolute insulin resistance. Data of controlled studies showed that symptoms of depression were found to be more often in patient with diabetes than in general population. Comorbidity of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) with psychiatric disorder simultaneously added the severity of the disease and prevent the theurapetic goals. Chronic inflammation was a common finding in diabetic patients. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) was one of the inflammatory response marker. The management of DM patient with depression was not optimal yet. Latihan Pasrah Diri (LPD) was a method of combining soul relaxation and meditation focusing on breathing and dzikr (prayers) to reach a state of relaxation physiologically. Objective: This research was aimed to determine the effect of LPD to the level of high sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) in type 2 DM patients with depression symptoms. Method: A PROBE (Prospective, Randomized, Opened trial, end Blinded Evaluation) study was designed, recruiting type 2 DM patients uncontrolled with drugs in the last 3 months acompanied by depression symptoms, who had a routine visit to endocrine out patient clinic of Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta. The depression symptoms was assessed by Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). Fourty four subjects were randomized in to treatment group underwent Latihan Pasrah Diri (LPD) (22) and control group (22).This treatment underwent exercises twice a day for 21 days between October 2005 – January 2006. The hsCRP level was measured before and after study. Relaxation response was measured by the pulse rate and BDI scores. Results: Initial analysis comparing basic characteristic data in LPD group and control group showed no significant difference. The hsCRP level (0,45 mg/dL) in DM patients (44) with depression symptoms was above normal (<0,3 mg/dL). There was no difference of decreasing mean in the level of hsCRP from 0,45+0,38 mg/dL to 0,31+0,23 mg/dL (0,14 mg/dL) vs 0,63+0,89 mg/dL to 0,55+0,73 mg/dL (0,10+0,85 mg/dL) in LPD group and control, respectively. Latihan Pasrah Diri has decreased the pulse rate significantly over the relaxation zone (6 times/minute) (p=0,000), as well as BDI scores to be normal (16 to 9) (p=0,10) as compared with control. Conclusion: Latihan Pasrah Diri has decreased the hsCRP level in type 2 DM patients with depression symptoms but not significant as compared with control. Decreased of means of pulse rate and BDI scores were significant in patients underwent LPD. The LPD could be an alternative therapy to achieve the relaxation response and to improve symptoms of depression in type 2 DM patients.
Kata Kunci : DIabetes Melitus,Depresi Terapi Relaksasi, atihan Pasrah Diri, hsCRP, DM, depression symptoms, relaxation response.