Laporkan Masalah

Kebijakan pembangunan hutan tanaman dalam menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif pada sektor kehutanan

SLAMET, Dr. M. Hawin, SH.,LL.M

2007 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Hukum (Magister Hukum Bisnis)

Karakteristik pembangunan hutan tanaman adalah modal yang dibutuhkan sangat besar, berjangka panjang, dan rentan terhadap resiko kegagalan. Mengingat kondisi keuangan negara yang sangat terbatas, maka untuk mewujudkan program pembangunan hutan tanaman tersebut diperlukan kontribusi sektor swasta melalui kegiatan investasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penerapan kebijakan pembangunan hutan tanaman industri dalam upaya menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lingkungan Ditjen Bina Produksi Kehutanan, dan Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Kehutanan di Jakarta. Data diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan untuk validitas data, dilakukan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data sekunder melalui studi dokumen, sedangkan penelitian lapangan untuk memperoleh data primer sekaligus dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi data kepustakaan, dengan penentuan sampel (subyek penelitian) melalui non-random sampling. Selanjutnya data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriftif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hutan tanaman industri memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan industri kehutanan, menciptakan kesempatan kerja dan berusaha, sekaligus untuk meningkatkan produktivitas lahan dan kualitas lingkungan. Namun disisi lain, pembangunan HTI membutuhkan modal yang besar sehingga peran investasi sangat dibutuhkan, sementara sifat usahanya berjangka panjang mengakibatkan rentan terhadap resiko kegagalan dan memiliki kelayakan finansial yang rendah. Oleh sebab itu kebijakan pembangunan hutan tanaman perlu diterapkan secara tepat agar dapat menciptakan iklim investasi yang kondusif. Dari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk mendukung iklim investasi yang kondusif diperlukan : penyederhanaan proses perijinan, ketersediaan lahan usaha yang clear and clean, dukungan permodalan dari pemerintah, penciptaan struktur pasar yang efisien dan kompetitif, dan kepastian hukum serta pemberian insentif investasi dalam bentuk pajak maupun non pajak yang lebih progresif.

The characteristics of industrial timber plantation development include the need of a very large budget, the requirement of a long term effort, and the tendency to failure. Given that the state’s financial condition is very limited, the realization of such development program necessitates the contribution from private sectors through investment activities. This study was a normative study of law or a literature study of law. It was aimed at finding out the effectiveness of the policy implementation in the industrial timber plantation development in the effort to create a conducive investment climate. This study was carried out in the Directorate General of Forestry Production Development and Bureau of Foreign Cooperation, Secretariat General of Ministry of Forestry in Jakarta. The data were obtained from the literature study whose validity was tested through the field study. The literature study was carried out to obtain secondary data through the study on documents. Meanwhile, the field study was performed to obtain primary data and to complete the data from the literature study. The samples (subjects of study) were selected using non-random sampling technique. Further, the collected data were analyzed descriptively. The results of study indicated that the industrial timber plantation served very important roles for the continued existence of the forest industry, for the creation of job and business opportunities, and for the improvement of land productivity and of environmental quality. However, the industrial timber plantation development required a large budget so that the role of investment was needed. Moreover, the characteristics of the effort required a long period of time, putting the effort at a higher risk of failure, and it lacked of financial feasibility. Therefore, the development policy of industrial timber plantation should be implemented appropriately in order to create a conducive investment climate. From the results of study, it was concluded that, to support a conductive investment climate, the following requirements should exist: simple concession process, availability of clear and clean area for investment, financial support from the government, creation of an efficient and competitive structure of market, and legal certainty as well as the provision of investment incentive in the form more progressive tax incentive or non-tax incentive.

Kata Kunci : Investasi, Hutan Tanaman, Investment, industrial timber plantation

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