Pemodelan Spasial Tingkat Kerawanan Penyakit Tuberkulosis di Kota Magelang
ADE GALUH PRAMESWARI, Dr. Prima Widayani, S.Si., M.Si.
Tuberculosis is a respiratory disease caused by the infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which can be transmitted through the air. Its contagious nature makes tuberculosis one of the global health issues, including in Indonesia. Environmental conditions have a significant impact on the health of individuals within them, including their susceptibility to tuberculosis. This study uses remote sensing technology to extract data related to the physical environmental factors that can influence the level of susceptibility to tuberculosis in Magelang City. The objectives of this study are: 1) To map the distribution of tuberculosis in Magelang City, and 2) To map the levels of tuberculosis susceptibility in Magelang City based on environmental condition variables.
The distribution of tuberculosis was mapped through a geotagging process using Batchgeo web-based application, then a pattern analysis was conducted using Average Nearest Neighbor. The distribution of tuberculosis cases in Magelang city had a clustering pattern, with the highest number of tuberculosis cases in Rejowinangun Utara urban village and the lowest number of cases in Jurangombo Utara urban village. Furthermore, tuberculosis susceptibility analysis was conducted based on two main variables: settlement condition and distance. Settlement condition variables include settlement density, dwelling density, roof type, floor type, wall type, and ventilation area; while distance variables include distance to activity centers and distance to roads.
This study used aerial photographs of Magelang City recorded in 2021 recording year as the basis for the interpretation of several variables. Field survey was conducted to validate and interpret several variables that could not be obtained from remote sensing data. The tuberculosis susceptibility mapping was conducted using the Spatial Multi Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) method, resulting in a tuberculosis susceptibility map with six weighting scenarios. The previously produced tuberculosis case distribution map was used as a reference in model testing the six susceptibility scenarios. The best scenario was chosen based on the comparison of the number of tuberculosis cases in each susceptibility class. A scenario can be said to be good if the higher the level of TB vulnerability is followed by a higher number of TB cases.
Kata Kunci : Kerawanan, Penginderaan Jauh, Sistem Informasi Geografis, Tuberkulosis