GLORIA STELLA FERGISDA BELEGUR, Diana Setiyawati, S.Psi., MHSc., Ph.D., Psikolog
2024 | Skripsi | PSIKOLOGI
Di Indonesia, tingkat akses layanan psikologis pada dewasa muda masih tergolong
rendah. Pencarian bantuan dipengaruhi oleh faktor struktural, sosiodemografi, dan
psikologis. Di antara faktor-faktor psikologis, terdapat self-compassion yang
diduga memiliki peran positif dalam memprediksi pencarian bantuan. Namun,
penelitian mengenai peran langsung self-compassion terhadap pencarian bantuan di
Indonesia masih terbatas. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari
tahu peran langsung self-compassion terhadap help-seeking intention pada subjek
dewasa muda. Melalui metode survei daring, didapatkan 199 sampel dewasa muda
di Indonesia. Hasil uji regresi linear menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion tidak
memiliki peran signifikan dalam memprediksi help-seeking intention pada dewasa
muda. Kemungkinan, hasil ini tidak signifikan karena adanya faktor struktural dan
konteks sosiodemografi yang memengaruhi hasil penelitian ini.
In Indonesia, the rate of access to psychological services among young adults is
still low. Structural, sociodemographic and psychological variables all have an
impact on help-seeking. One psychological characteristic that is thought to
positively predict help-seeking intention is self-compassion. Nonetheless, there is
still little data on how self-compassion directly affects help-seeking in Indonesia.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether self-compassion
directly influences Indonesian young adults’ intentions to seek help. Using an online
survey, 199 samples of young adults were obtained. Simple linear regression
analysis revealed that self-compassion does not play an important role in predicting
help-seeking intentions among Indonesian young adults. This result may not be
significant due to the structural factor and sociodemography context.
Kata Kunci : self-compassion, help-seeking intention, young adult, welas diri, intensi mencari bantuan, dewasa muda