Preparasi dan Modifikasi Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSN) sebagai Kandidat Wahana Agen Teranostik dalam Aplikasi Pengobatan Kanker
Maria Christina Prihatiningsih, Prof. Ir. Imam Prasetyo, M.Eng. Ph.D.; Dr. –Ing. Teguh Ariyanto, S.T., M.Eng., IPM; Prof (Riset) Edy Giri Rachman Putra, Ph.D.
2024 | Disertasi | S3 Teknik Kimia
Jumlah kasus kanker
di seluruh dunia terus meningkat, sehingga upaya untuk melakukan identifikasi
(diagnosis) dan pengobatan (terapi) yang lebih efisien dan aman menjadi
tantangan tersendiri dalam pengembangan obat kanker ke depannya. Ketidakmampuan
obat untuk tepat sasaran ke sel-sel kanker tanpa merusak jaringan sehat, serta
kurangnya biokompatibilitas obat dalam tubuh, merupakan kendala utama dalam
pengobatan kanker. Penggunaan mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN)
sebagai wahana atau agen teranostik, yaitu kemampuan MSN bertindak sebagai
wahana terapi sekaligus diagnostik, menawarkan solusi potensial untuk
pengobatan kanker di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan
potensi baru pengobatan kanker berbasis MSN sebagai wahana teranostik yang
dapat mengemban senyawa radioaktif 131I serta relatif biokompatibel
dan dapat mengarah ke target (bersifat targeting).
Metode Stöber, liquid crystal
templating, dan penambahan agen pore expander digunakan dalam
mensintesis dan memodifikasi MSN agar MSN yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi
kriteria sebagai partikel mesopore dan nano. Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS)
digunakan sebagai prekursor Si, dan cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
(CTAB) digunakan sebagai templat. Triethanolamine (TEA) dengan Poly(ethylene
oxide)-Poly(propylene oxide) Block Copolymer (surfaktan F127) digunakan
sebagai senyawa pendispersi dan penstabil sterik untuk memodifikasi MSN dan
meningkatkan biokompatibilitas MSN. Templat dihilangkan melalui ekstraksi dan freeze
drying, sedangkan penambahan surfaktan F127 diikuti sonikasi untuk
memfasilitasi redispersi tanpa mengurangi sifat nano-struktural.
Fungsionalisasi gugus amina pada MSN dilakukan menggunakan prekursor 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane
(APTES) dengan teknik postsynthesis grafting. Studi interaksi MSN dengan
senyawa obat radioiodin 131I dilakukan dengan metode radioiodinasi
substitusi elektrofilik dan adsorpsi langsung. Studi sitotoksisitas, yaitu
interaksi antara MSN terhadap sel normal dan sel kanker, dipelajari dengan
metode colorimetric assay menggunakan MTT atau (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium
Bromide). Lebih lanjut, dilakukan juga uji cellular uptake dan
afinitas MSN-131I terhadap sel kanker menggunakan metode binding
Studi ini menunjukkan
peningkatan kinerja MSN melalui efek sinergi dari modifikasi dengan surfaktan
F127 dan fungsionalisasi gugus amina pada sifat targeting dan
biokompatibilitas MSN. MSN yang dilapisi dengan surfaktan F127 dan
difungsionalisasi dengan gugus amina memiliki nilai IC50 ~ 250 ?g/mL terhadap
sel normal, menunjukkan sitotoksisitas yang rendah dan biokompatibilitas yang
baik. Sebaliknya, MSN yang dimodifikasi dan difungsionalisasi (MSN-NH2-F127)
menunjukkan sitotoksisitas yang tinggi terhadap sel kanker seperti pada sel
kanker lini LNCaP, DU 145, and or RM1 prostate cancer cell lines. (IC50
< 33>?g/mL),
mencerminkan selektivitas MSN-NH2-F127 sebagai pembawa obat.
Senyawa MSN-NH2-F127 yang dilabeli dengan 131I (MSN-NH2-F127-131I) memiliki kinerja yang tinggi dengan nilai cellular uptake mencapai 375 kali dari kontrol. Parameter binding assay seperti EC50 (half maximal effective concentration) dan Kd (dissociation constant) yang rendah (11 – 12 nM) menunjukkan potensi MSN-NH2-F127-131I sebagai agen terapeutik. Nilai Kd aktivitas dari MSN-NH2-F127-131I yang rendah (12,5 nM) terhadap sel kanker mengindikasikan kemampuan deteksi senyawa dalam aplikasi diagnostik. MSN-NH2-F127-131I diperkirakan memiliki efek signifikan dalam menurunkan Survival Fraction (SF) sel kanker. Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah bahwa preparasi MSN, modifikasi dengan F127 dan fungsionalisasi gugus amina terhadap MSN dapat menjadikan MSN kandidat potensial sebagai wahana teranostik.
number of cancer cases throughout the world continues to increase, so efforts
to identify (diagnose) and treat (therapy) more efficiently and safely are a
challenge in the development of cancer drugs in the future. The inability of
drugs to target cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue, as well as the
lack of biocompatibility of medicines in the body, are the main obstacles in
cancer treatment. Use mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) as a vehicle
or theranostic agent, namely the ability of MSN to act as a therapeutic and
diagnostic vehicle, offering a potential solution for cancer treatment in the
future. This research aims to obtain new potential for MSN-based cancer
treatment as a theranostic vehicle that can carry radioactive compounds 131I,
is relatively biocompatible, and can direct to the target (nature targeting).
method, liquid crystal templating, and adding agents pore expander are used in
synthesizing and modifying MSN so that the resulting MSN can meet the criteria
as mesopore and nanoparticles. (TEOS) is used as a precursor of Si, and
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is used as a template. Triethanolamine
(TEA) with Poly(ethylene oxide)-Poly(propylene oxide) Block Copolymer
(surfactant F127) was used as a dispersing compound and steric stabilizer to
modify MSN and improve the biocompatibility of MSN. The template is removed
through extraction and freeze drying, while the addition of surfactant F127 was
followed by sonication to facilitate redispersion without reducing the
nano-structural properties. Functionalization of the amine group on MSN was performed
using the 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) precursor and postsynthesis grafting. Interaction study of MSN
with radioiodine drug compounds 131I was carried out using
electrophilic substitution and direct adsorption methods. Cytotoxicity studies,
namely the interaction between MSNs on normal cells and cancer cells, were
studied using the technique colorimetric assay using MTT or (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium
Bromide). Furthermore, tests were carried out on cellular uptake and affinity
of MSN-131I against cancer cells using the method binding assay.
this MSN preparation and modification study, MSN has been produced in bulk,
which is stable and can be re-dispersed in water. Mesoporous silica
nanoparticles with a high specific surface area, pore volume, and a relatively
uniform pore distribution are produced at a relatively low synthesis
temperature with a synthesis time of 18 hours. Adding TEA and F127 surfactant
produces nanoparticle sizes between 100-150 nm, which are relatively
monodispersed. Adding n-hexane as a pore expander significantly controlled the
uniformity and distribution of MSN pores. The average pore diameter size of MSN
produced under increasing conditions is 4.47 nm and 5.1 nm, which indicates the
size of mesoporous nanoparticles. Functionalization of amine groups on the
surface of MSN pores increases MSN's carrying capacity 131I is
indicated by the value radiochemical yield (RCY) and radiochemical purity
(RCP), which is relatively high (? 95%), stable, and meets IAEA standards. In
addition, a direct adsorption method of MSN radioiodination formulation was
obtained, a relatively new and simple process in nanoparticle radiolabeling.
study shows the enhanced performance of MSNs through the synergistic effect of
modification with surfactant F127 and functionalization of amine groups on the
properties targeting and MSN biocompatibility. MSN coated with F127 surfactant
and functionalized with amine groups has an IC50 value of ~ 250
?g/mL against normal cells, showing low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility.
In contrast, modified and functionalized MSN (MSN-NH2-F127) shows
high cytotoxicity against the LNCaP, DU 145, and or RM1 prostate cancer cell
lines (IC50 < 33>2-F127
as a drug carrier.
The compound MSN-NH2-F127, labeled with 131I (MSN-NH2-F127-131I), demonstrates high performance, with cellular uptake values reaching 375 times that of the control. The low EC50 (half-maximal effective concentration) and Kd (dissociation constant) values, 11–12 nM, indicate the potential of MSN-NH2-F127-131I as a therapeutic agent. The low activity Kd value of 12.5 nM against the LNCaP, DU 145, and RM1 prostate cancer cell lines further underscores the compound's potential in diagnostic applications. MSN-NH2-F127-131I is estimated to significantly reduce the survival fraction (SF) of cancer cells, highlighting its potential as a theranostic vehicle.
Kata Kunci : mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN), cancer, theranostic, radiolabeling, iodine-131