Artikulasi dan Representasi Subjek Gender dan Lokalitas dalam Film Produksi Dana Keistimewaan Yogyakarta
ZULFATUN MAHMUDAH, Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M.Hum, DEA, Dr. Ratna Noviani, SIP, M.Si
2024 | Disertasi | S3 Kajian Budaya dan Media
The government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) produces films as a medium for cultural preservation with the Privilege Fund (Danais). These films, which showcase Yogyakarta's culture, are a significant platform for understanding the complex interplay of gender and cultural locality. This research, therefore, delves into the crucial issues of how gender and cultural locality are articulated and represented in the Danais films, and why the subject of women and cultural locality in these films is portrayed in a certain way. The research uses the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) method and focuses on four films produced by Danais Yogyakarta; namely Natalan (2015), Ruah (2016), Munggah Kaji (2017), and Tilik (2018). The results show that gender subjects are displayed dichotomously in a global-local context. Traditional women who still uphold local cultural values are portrayed as positive, while modern women are portrayed as negative. Danais' film also positions religious subjects as a means of re-essentializing a culture considered established. Religion is presented as a tool to reinforce an essentialist perspective on culture. Danais' film also seems to want to display the agency of female subjects by building a narrative of women being able to negotiate and resist the established cultural order. However, in resisting, the female subject is presented as a scary monster. This depiction becomes a form of stereotyping of women displayed in the representation space. The following finding is that Danais' films define locality narrowly with spatial markers such as the house as the main activity of female subjects. The house as a marker of locality is constructed to subordinate the role of women. The various findings above indicate that Danais films experience bureaucratization, which is presented as a subtle propaganda tool for the authorities. Danais films are produced following administrative logic, so they lose their critical power. Keywords: Danais film, Locality, Articulation, Gender, Essentialism
Kata Kunci : film Danais, lokalitas, artikulasi, gender, esensialis