Model Penilaian Kinerja Ruas Jalan Berdasarkan Kombinasi Komponen Perkerasan, Bahu dan Drainase
Wahyu Supriyo Winurseto, Ir. Latif Budi Suparma, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2024 | Disertasi | S3 Teknik Sipil
Pemerintah Indonesia
sedang berupaya untuk meningkatkan konektivitas jalan dengan menargetkan waktu
tempuh di bawah 1,9 jam/100 km pada tahun 2024. Terdapat beberapa hambatan
seperti keterbatasan anggaran, masalah lahan, dan masalah sosial yang
menghambat upaya tersebut. Tujuan dari disertasi ini adalah untuk mengembangkan
model penilaian kinerja ruas jalan yang komprehensif dan yang mempertimbangkan
indikator kinerja perkerasan jalan, bahu jalan, dan drainase jalan di Provinsi
Jawa Tengah.
Pengumpulan data
dilakukan terlebih dahulu melalui wawancara terstruktur dan pengumpulan data
sekunder dan primer menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden terdiri
dari pakar di provinsi Jawa Tengah yang terlibat dalam penyelenggaraan jalan
nasional, dengan jumlah 125 orang yang dipilih menggunakan metode cluster
sampling dan two stage cluster sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan statistik
deskriptif, analisis faktor, dan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Model
struktural digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi
kinerja ruas jalan dan seberapa besar pengaruh masing-masing faktor tersebut.
Hasil uji validasi
model indikator yang signifikan berkontribusi pada kinerja ruas jalan, terdapat
tiga faktor yang dianggap memengaruhi kinerja ruas jalan, adalah kinerja
perkerasan jalan, kinerja bahu jalan, dan kinerja drainase jalan. Hasil
analisis menunjukkan bahwa kinerja perkerasan jalan berpengaruh paling
signifikan terhadap kinerja ruas jalan, sebesar 58,1%. Kinerja bahu jalan dan
kinerja drainase jalan juga cukup berpengaruh terhadap kinerja ruas jalan,
masing-masing sebesar 20,2?n 21,7%. Model penilaian kinerja ruas jalan yang
diperoleh adalah NKRJ = (0,581.NKPJ) + ,(0,202.NKBJ) + (0,217.NKDJ). Kontribusi
tiap indikator kerusakan atau gangguan terhadap perkerasan, bahu, dan drainase
jalan juga telah diidentifikasi. Model penilaian kinerja perkerasan jalan yang diperoleh
adalah NKPJ = 0,360.L + 0,221.R + 0,334.A+ 0,281.K + 0,186.AK + 0,172.KA. Model
penilaian kinerja bahu jalan yang diperoleh adalah : NKBJ = 0,311.BA + 0,294.GB
+ 0,292.LB + 0,053.BT + 0,050.KB. Model penilaian kinerja drainase jalan yang
diperoleh adalah NKDJ =,0,346.PS + 0,311.SD + 0,296.KS Selain itu, ditemukan
bahwa indikator-indikator tersebut tidak selalu memberikan pengaruh yang sama
terhadap kinerja ruas jalan, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian dalam
perencanaan program pemeliharaan jalan nasional.
The Indonesian government
is working to improve road connectivity by targeting travel times of under 1,9
hours/100 km in 2024. However, there are still several obstacles such as budget
constraints, land issues, and social problems that hinder these efforts. The
aim of this research is to develop a comprehensive and quantitative-based road
performance assessment model that takes into account the performance indicators
of road pavement, shoulders, and road drainage. This study also aims to verify
the accuracy and reliability of the models developed using field data. This
research was conducted to evaluate the implementation and evaluation of road
and bridge preservation packages in the province of Central Java.
Data collected through
structured interviews and collecting secondary and primary data using a
purposive sampling technique. Respondents consisted of experts from Central
Java who were involved in the implementation of national roads, with a total of
125 people selected using cluster sampling and two stage cluster sampling
methods. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Using structural models, it is possible to
determine which elements influence the performance of roadways and to what
From the validation test
findings of model indicators that significantly contribute to road performance,
three factors are believed to influence road performance: pavement performance,
road shoulder performance, and road drainage performance. Based on the results
of the analysis that has been done, it can be stated that the performance of
the road pavement has the most significant effect on the performance of the
road segment, amounting to 58.1%. Road shoulder performance and road drainage
performance also significantly influence road performance, respectively 20.2%
and 21.7%. The quantitative-based road performance evaluation model obtained in
this study is NKRJ = (0.581.NKPJ) + (0.202.NKBJ) + (0.217.NKDJ. The
quantitative-based pavement performance evaluation model obtained in this study
is NKPJ =0.403.L + 0.354.F + 0.157.AK + 0.324.KA. The quantitative-based
drainage performance evaluation model obtained in this study is NKDJ =0.346.PS
+ 0.311.SD + 0.296.KS. The contribution of each damage or disturbance indicator
to the road pavement, shoulders, and drainage has also been identified. In
addition, it was found that these indicators do not always have the same effect
on the performance of road sections, so adjustments need to be made in planning
the national road maintenance program.
Kata Kunci : Penilaian kinerja jalan, Kinerja perkerasan jalan, Kinerja bahu jalan, Kinerja drainase jalan, Analisis kuantitatif, Model persamaan struktural (SEM).