Prarancangan Pabrik Serbuk Kurkumin dari Serbuk Kunyit Kapasitas 60 Ton/Tahun
ADRIAN YOGA PERMANA, Prof. Ir. Chandra Wahyu Purnomo, S.T., M.E., M.Eng., D.Eng., IPM.
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK KIMIA
Berdasarkan data yang didapatkan dari Badan Pusat Statistik, produksi tanaman kunyit pada tahun 2021 yaitu sebesar 184.825 ton dan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6,32% di tahun 2022 yaitu menjadi 196.499 ton. Kunyit memiliki beberapa komponen terkandung salah satunya kurkumin yang dapat berperan sebagai antikanker, antiinflamasi, antioksidan, bahkan antiinfeksi (Wilken, Veena, Wang, & Srivatsan, 2011). Pabrik kurkumin yang dirancang memiliki kapasitas 60 ton/tahun dengan kemurnian 96%. Bahan baku yang digunakan yaitu serbuk kunyit sebanyak 3512,88 ton/tahun, solven etil asetat 1774,1818 kg/jam, petroleum ether 2319,7634 kg/jam, dan isopropil alkohol sebesar 31,0580 kg/jam.
Secara umum, tahapan pembuatan serbuk kurkumin terbagi menjadi beberapa tahapan utama. Tahapan awal adalah ekstraksi serbuk kunyit dengan kandungan awal kurkumin 3,42% menggunakan solven etil asetat. Hasil ekstraksi kurkuminoid masih mengandung minyak atsiri, sehingga perlu dipisahkan dengan proses defatting dengan menggunakan petroleum eter. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pemisahan senyawa kurkumin dari demetoksi-kurkumin dan bisdemetoksi-kurkumin dengan mencampurkan ekstrak kurkuminoid dengan isopropil alkohol, sehingga terbentuk padatan kurkumin dan selanjutnya dilakukan pengeringan. Total persentase yield kurkumin yang didapat sebesar 1,7%.
Pabrik produksi kurkumin direncanakan untuk didirikan di Kawasan Industri Wongsorejo, tepatnya di Krajan II, Alasbulu, Kecamatan Wongsorejo, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, dengan luas lahan 2 hektar. Pabrik ini diproyeksikan akan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2031, dengan total investasi modal sebesar $ 53.528.767,50 dan biaya produksi total mencapai $ 34.397.470,42. Harga jual kurkumin ditetapkan sebesar $ 204.210 per ton. Mengingat bahwa aplikasi industri ini masih relatif baru, pabrik ini tergolong berisiko rendah. Return on Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak tercatat sebesar 8,38?n setelah pajak sebesar 11,17%. Periode pengembalian modal (POT) sebelum pajak diestimasikan selama 4,16 tahun dan setelah pajak selama 4,71 tahun. Nilai Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) diperkirakan sebesar 20,67%, dengan Break-even Point (BEP) sebesar 67,51?n Shutdown Point (SDP) sebesar 22,55%. Berdasarkan parameter-parameter tersebut, pabrik kurkumin dianggap layak untuk dioperasikan dan menarik untuk diteliti lebih lanjut.
Based on data obtained from the Badan Pusat Statistik, the production of turmeric plants in 2021 was 184,825 tons and increased by 6.32% in 2022, reaching 196,499 tons. Turmeric has several components, one of which is curcumin, which can act as an anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and even anti-infective agent (Wilken, Veena, Wang, & Srivatsan, 2011). The designed curcumin plant has a capacity of 60 tons/year with a purity of 96%. The raw materials used are turmeric powder at 3512.88 tons/year, ethyl acetate solvent at 1774.1818 kg/hour, petroleum ether at 2319.7634 kg/hour, and isopropyl alcohol at 31.0580 kg/hour.
In general, the stages of producing curcumin powder are divided into several main stages. The initial stage is the extraction of turmeric powder with an initial curcumin content of 3.42% using ethyl acetate solvent. The curcuminoid extraction results still contain essential oils, which need to be separated by a defatting process using petroleum ether. Furthermore, the separation of curcumin compounds from demethoxy-curcumin and bisdemethoxy-curcumin is carried out by mixing the curcuminoid extract with isopropyl alcohol, forming curcumin solids which are then dried. The total percentage yield of curcumin obtained is 1.7%.
The curcumin production plant is planned to be established in the Wongsorejo Industrial Estate, precisely in Krajan II, Alasbulu, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, with a land area of 2 hectares. The plant is projected to start operations in 2031, with a total capital investment of $53,528,767.50 and total production costs reaching $34,397,470.42. The selling price of curcumin is set at $204,210 per ton. Given that this industrial application is still relatively new, this plant is classified as low risk. Return on Investment (ROI) before tax is recorded at 8.38% and after tax at 11.17%. The pre-tax payback period (POT) is estimated at 4.16 years and after tax at 4.71 years. The Discounted Cash Flow Rate of Return (DCFRR) is estimated at 20.67%, with a Break-even Point (BEP) of 67.51% and a Shutdown Point (SDP) of 22.55%. Based on these parameters, the curcumin plant is considered feasible to operate and is of interest for further research.
Kata Kunci : kurkumin, kunyit, ekstraksi, industri, kurkuminoid, curcumin, turmeric, extraction, industry, curcuminoids