Yusta Elvasonia Duan, Dr. Ir. Hero Marhaento, S. Hut., M. Sc; Dr. Ir. Lies Rahayu W. F., M.P.,IPU
2024 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kehutanan
Mutis Nature Reserve is one of the conservation areas located in East Nusa Tenggara and is directly adjacent to the community, thus encouraging community activities in the area. These community activities can cause changes in the landscape structure of the area. This research was conducted to identify landscape changes, map and describe patterns of community activities, and identify the motivation of the community to carry out activities in the area.
This research was conducted in October-November 2023 using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Multi-time land cover information was obtained from analyzing Landsat 7 satellite image data for the 1999 coverage year and Landsat 8 for the 2023 coverage year. Land cover classification analysis used supervised classification analysis technique with maximum likelihood method. Landscape configuration analysis was conducted by comparing the calculation results of landscape metrics from FRAGSTAT software. Analysis of community activity patterns was carried out using the Behavioral mapping method in 7 villages bordering the area. Analysis of the motivation of the community to carry out activities in the area was carried out descriptively qualitative.
The results of the calculation of landscape metrics on the 1999 and 2023 land cover maps show that there is no significant landscape change in the land cover of forests, shrubs, dry land agriculture and grasslands. Changes are seen in dryland farming areas which have increased in area and the pattern has become clustered. These landscape changes are thought to be caused by the community's farming activities which are carried out traditionally and concentrated in certain areas. Other community activities include livestock raising, firewood collection, nature tourism and traditional ritual activities. The pattern of community activities in the area tends to be clustered and only occurs in relatively the same place. In addition, the community also still holds conservation values in utilizing the area, so that the condition of the area is still quite well maintained. In general, the motivation of the community to carry out activities in the area is culture from a long time ago, fulfillment of economic needs and the potential for natural tourism.
Kata Kunci : Pola, Perubahan Lanskap, Aktivitas Masyarakat, Motif, Cagar Alam Mutis/Patterns, Landscape Change, Community Activities, Motive, Mutis Nature Reserve