Integral Riemann di Ruang Riesz
JERRICO NUGROHO, Made Tantrawan, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
2024 | Skripsi | MATEMATIKADalam skripsi ini, akan dibahas konsep integral Riemann untuk fungsi yang didefinisikan pada suatu interval di suatu ruang Riesz ke ruang Riesz lainnya yang dihubungkan oleh suatu struktur product Kemudian, dibahas sifat-sifat serupa pada kasus di R seperti linearitas dan kemonotonan. Selanjutnya, didefinisikan kriteria Cauchy integral Riemann di ruang Riesz dan diberikan aplikasinya seperti teorema apit integral Riemann di ruang Riesz. Lebih lanjut, didefinisikan konsep turunan di ruang Riesz dan kaitannya dengan integral Riemann.
In this undergraduate
thesis, the concept of the Riemann integral for functions defined on an
interval in a Riesz space to another Riesz space and connected by a product
structure will be discussed. Afterward, similar properties in the case of R
such as linearity and monotonicity are examined. Subsequently, the Cauchy
criterion for the Riemann integral in Riesz spaces is defined, and its
applications, such as the squeeze theorem for the Riemann integral in Riesz
spaces, are provided. Furthermore, the concept of differentiation in Riesz
spaces and its relationship with the Riemann integral is defined.
Kata Kunci : ruang Riesz, integral Riemann, kriteria Cauchy, turunan, teorema fundamental kalkulus