Peran Majelis Pengawas Daerah Dalam Mengatasi Pelanggaran Jabatan dan Kode Etik Notaris Di Kota Jakarta Barat
2024 | Tesis | S2 Magister Kenotariatan
This research is aimed at observing and providing analysis regarding the role of the Regional Supervisory Council regarding the implementation of monitoring violations of office and the Notary's code of ethics in the West Jakarta City area as well as to determine the efforts of the Regional Supervisory Council in overcoming violations of office and the Notary's code of ethics in the West Jakarta city area.
This research applies empirical juridical research, by examining primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from interviews while secondary data comes from the results of literature studies. All data was then analyzed qualitatively.
According to the research, the MPD's role in addressing violations of the Notary's position and code of ethics is perceived to be less than optimal. This is because there are still violations that are not firmly addressed by the MPD. Efforts to minimize violations of the position and code of ethics have not been effective, as some violations remain unresolved. There are concerns that these unaddressed violations may set a negative example for other Notaries and lead to similar issues in the future.
Kata Kunci : Peran Majelis Pengawas Daerah, Pengawasan Notaris, Jabatan Notaris, Kode Etik.