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Gambaran Tingkat Kepatuhan Mahasiswa Profesi Ners FK-KMK UGM Terhadap Penerapan Five Moments Cuci Tangan di RSUP Dr. Sardjito

SHYALA SHANINDA RISA KUNCORO, Khudazi Aulawi, S.Kp., M. Kes., MN.Sc., Ph.D, Purwadi Sujalmo., S.Kep., Ns., MN., M.Kep

2024 | Skripsi | ILMU KEPERAWATAN

Latar Belakang: HAIs dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam risiko komplikasi seperti pasien tinggal lebih lama di rumah sakit, resistensi terhadap pathogen, biaya perawatan yang meningkat, bahkan hingga kematian yang tidak bisa dicegah. Salah satu cara yang paling manjur untuk mencegah terjadinya HAIs adalah     melalui praktik hand hygiene atau biasa kita kenal dengan cuci tangan.

Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui kepatuhan five moments cuci tangan mahasiswa profesi ners FK-KMK UGM

Metode: Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Responden pada penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa profesi ners FK-KMK UGM gelombang Maret 2024 yang melakukan rotasi klinik di RSUP Dr. Sardjito pada bulan Mei hingga Juni berjumlah 43 orang dan diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi pada 4 bangsal (Wisnumurti, Cendana 2, Dahlia 2, dan Bougenville 1&2) masing-masing bangsal dikumpulkan sampel sebanyak 200 momen hand hygiene.

Hasil: Hasil observasi yang dilakukan di bangsal Bougenville 1&2, Cendana 2, Dahlia 2, dan Wisnumurti didapat sebanyak 800 peluang Hand Hygiene, tercatat sebanyak 584 (73%) kepatuhan Five Moments Hand Hygiene. Dengan total HH menggunakan handrub sebanyak 357 (62,8%) dan handwash sebanyak 217 (37,2%). Hasil ini memenuhi standard kepatuhan five moments hand hygiene WHO tahun 2009 sebesar 50%. Terdapat perbedaan tingkat perilaku pada momen ke-1 dan ke-2 pada bangsal Bougenville 1&2 dan juga bangsal Cendana 2 yang bisa terjadi akibat penggunaan sarung tangan pada bangsal tersebut yang merupakan bangsal Ginekologi, Onkologi, dan melayani pasien bedah umum.

Kesimpulan: Tingkat kepatuhan mahasiswa Profesi Ners FK-KMK berada di kategori baik dan sudah memenuhi standart yang telah ditetapkan oleh WHO (2009) sebesar 50%. Namun tingkat kepatuhan mahasiswa profesi Ners FK-KMK UGM belum memenuhi standard kepatuhan RSUP Dr. Sardjito sebesar 90%.

Kata Kunci: cuci tangan, five moments, infeksi, kepatuhan, profesi Ners

Introduction: HAIs could cause various complications such as patients staying longer in the hospital, resistance to pathogens, increased treatment costs, and even preventable deaths. One of the most effective ways to prevent HAIs was through the practice of hand hygiene, or what we commonly know as hand hygiene.

Objective: Knowing the compliance with the five moments of hand washing among professional nursing students at FK-KMK UGM 

Method: The research method used a cross-sectional approach. The respondents in this study were professional nursing students from FK-KMK UGM March 2024 cohort who conducted clinical rotations at RSUP Dr. Sardjito from May to June, totaling 43 people and were selected using the total sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by observing 4 wards (Wisnumurti, Cendana 2, Dahlia 2, and Bougenville 1&2) with each ward collecting samples of 200 hand hygiene moments.

Result: Observations conducted in Bougenville wards 1&2, Cendana 2, Dahlia 2, and Wisnumurti found a total of 800 Hand Hygiene opportunities, with a compliance rate of 584 (73%) for the Five Moments of Hand Hygiene. The total hand hygiene instances using handrub were 357 (62.8%) and handwash were 217 (37.2%). These results meet the WHO's 2009 standard for Five Moments Hand Hygiene compliance, which is 50%. There are differences in behavior levels for the first and second moments in Bougenville wards 1&2 and Cendana 2, which may be due to the use of gloves in these wards. These wards serve Gynecology, Oncology, and general surgery patients

Conclusion: The compliance rate of Ners Profession students at FK-KMK is in the good category and meets the standard set by WHO (2009) of 50%. However, the compliance rate of Ners Profession students at FK-KMK UGM does not meet the compliance standard of RSUP Dr. Sardjito, which is 90%.


Keyword: clininal rotation, five moments, compliance, hand hygiene, infection, nursing student

Kata Kunci : cuci tangan, five moments, infeksi, kepatuhan, profesi Ners

  1. S1-2024-458856-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-458856-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-458856-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-458856-title.pdf