Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia, dan Sensoris, serta Viabilitas Sel Produk Jelly Candy Probiotik Blue Spirulina dengan Penambahan Asam Sitrat
masyarakat akan produk makanan yang lezat dan kaya nutrisi semakin meningkat. Inovasi
produk jelly candy probiotik blue spirulina dikembangkan pada
penelitian ini dalam rangka memperkenalkan probiotik dan fikosianin sebagai komponen
fungsional yang kaya akan protein dan antioksidan. Untuk memperoleh
karakteristik sensoris yang baik, diperlukan penambahan asam sitrat dengan
konsentrasi tertentu sehingga produk jelly candy dapat diterima oleh
masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan
variasi konsentrasi asam sitrat pada produk jelly candy probiotik blue
spirulina terhadap tingkat kesukaan panelis, karakteristik fisik dan kimia
produk, serta viabilitas sel Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13 pada formulasi
Jelly candy probiotik blue spirulina diberikan perlakuan konsentrasi asam sitrat 0,3%, 0,5%, dan 0,74% kemudian dilakukan pengujian hedonic. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa panelis menyukai jelly candy probiotik blue spirulina dengan variasi konsentrasi asam sitrat 0,5% (b/b), yang dimana kandungan didalamnya; kadar abu sebesar 1,18 ± 0,01%, kadar lemak total 0,27 ± 0,00%, kadar protein 13,82 ± 0,06%, kadar karbohidrat (by difference) 13,82 ± 0,06, dan kadar air 13,17 ± 0,02%. Penyimpanan pada dua suhu berbeda (4? dan 30?) selama 25 hari menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap kadar aw, nilai pH, serta tingkat kecerahan produk. Penyimpanan suhu 4oC dapat mempertahankan viabilitas sel L.plantarum Dad-13 pada produk jelly candy probiotik blue spirulina dengan umur simpan selama 64 hari dibandingkan suhu penyimpanan 30oC serta Waktu penyimpanan produk yang semakin panjang selaras dengan penurunan viabilitas sel dalam produk.
Public demand for delicious and nutrient-rich food
products is increasing. The innovative blue spirulina probiotic jelly candy
product was developed in this research in order to introduce probiotics and
phycocyanin as functional components that are rich in protein and antioxidants.
To obtain good sensory characteristics, it is necessary to add citric acid at a
certain concentration so that jelly candy products can be accepted by the
public. This study aims to determine the effect of adding variations in citric
acid concentration to the blue spirulina probiotic jelly candy product on the
panelists' level of preference, the physical and chemical characteristics of
the product, as well as the viability of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum
Dad-13 cells in the selected formulation.
Blue spirulina probiotic jelly candy was treated with citric acid concentrations of 0.3%, 0.5% and 0.74% then carried out hedonic testing. The results showed that the panelists liked the probiotic blue spirulina jelly candy with varying citric acid concentrations of 0.5% (w/w), which contained; ash content of 1.18 ± 0.01%, total fat content of 0.27 ± 0.00%, protein content of 13.82 ± 0.06%, carbohydrate content (by difference) 13.82 ± 0.06, and water content 13.17 ± 0.02%. Storage at two different temperatures (4? and 30?) for 25 days showed an effect on the aw content, pH value, and product brightness level. Storage at a temperature of 4oC can maintain the viability of L.plantarum Dad-13 cells in blue spirulina probiotic jelly candy products with a shelf life of 64 days compared to a storage temperature of 30oC and the longer product storage time is in line with the decrease in cell viability in the product.
Kata Kunci : jelly candy, probiotik, spirulina, konsentrasi asam sitrat, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Dad-13.