Pemetaan Kesehatan Mangrove Menggunakan Indikator Struktur Hutan di Teluk Pangpang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi dengan Citra Worldview-2
BIRTA AYU ANGGARIFTA, Prof. Muhammad Kamal, S.Si., M.GIS., Ph.D.
mangrove yang tumbuh di Indonesia termasuk yang paling luas di dunia. Secara
ekologis, mangrove berperan signifikan melindungi dan mempertahankan
keseimbangan ekosistem pesisir. Akan tetapi, seiring dengan peningkatan
aktivitas antropogenik (aktivitas manusia) terdapat beberapa permasalahan di
kawasan pesisir yang memicu fenomena degradasi hutan mangrove, seperti alih
fungsi lahan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan adanya pemantauan kesehatan hutan
mangrove untuk menjaga stabilitasnya. Salah satu metode untuk mengetahui
persentase kesehatan mangrove adalah menggunakan perhitungan Mangrove Health
Index (MHI) yang dikorelasikan dengan data citra penginderaan jauh. Penelitian
ini dilakukan di Hutan mangrove Teluk Pangpang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Lokasi
tersebut ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Ekosistem Esensial (KEE) yang juga
mengalami alih fungsi lahan mangrove menjadi tambak. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk (1) menganalisis parameter MHI, (2) hubungan nilai indeks vegetasi dengan
nilai MHI, dan (3) memetakan distribusi kesehatan hutan mangrove Teluk
Pangpang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Parameter struktur hutan mangrove yang diukur
di lapangan berupa persentase tutupan kanopi, diameter tegakan setinggi dada,
dan jumlah pancang per luas area dengan total sampel sebanyak 41 plot. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan area kajian penelitian memiliki persentase rata-rata
tutupan kanopi sebesar 80,74?ngan metode pengukuran hemispherical
photography. Secara umum, area kajian memiliki persentase tutupan kanopi
yang rapat. Rata-rata diameter tegakan sebesar 10,76 cm dengan rata-rata 4
pancang per 16m2. Perbedaan rata-rata diameter dan jumlah pancang
per luas area dipengaruhi oleh spesies, umur tegakan, dan daerah pertumbuhan
mangrove. Indeks vegetasi Normalized Difference Red-edge Index (NDRE)
atau NDVI Red-edge menghasilkan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,386 dan
memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan MHI. Distribusi spasial MHI termasuk
kedalam kategori kesehatan sedang (moderate) dengan rata-rata MHI sebesar 59,71?n distribusi
paling banyak berada pada rentang 58,79—61,11%. Pemodelan MHI dengan indeks
vegetasi NDRE memiliki nilai maximum accuracy sebesar 91,51?n standard
error sebesar 5,73%. Secara umum, 433,70 hektar hutan mangrove Teluk
Pangpang memiliki kondisi kesehatan mangrove yang baik.
Mangrove forests that grow in Indonesia are among the
most extensive in the world. Ecologically, mangroves have a significant role in
protecting and maintaining the balance of coastal ecosystems. However, along
with the increase in anthropogenic activities (human activities) there are
several problems in coastal areas that trigger the phenomenon of mangrove
forest degradation, such as land conversion. Therefore, it is necessary to
monitor the health of mangrove forests to maintain their stability. One method
to determine the percentage of mangrove health is to use the calculation of
Mangrove Health Index (MHI) correlated with remote sensing image data. This
research was conducted in the mangrove forest of Pangpang Bay, Banyuwangi
Regency. The location was designated as an Essential Ecosystem Area which also
experienced mangrove land conversion into ponds. This study aims to (1) analyze
MHI parameters, (2) analyze the relationship between vegetation index values
and MHI values, and (3) mapping the distribution of mangrove forest health in
Teluk Pangpang, Banyuwangi Regency. The parameters of mangrove forest structure
measured in the field are the percentage of canopy cover, diameter at breast
height, and the number of saplings every area with a total sample of 41 plots.
The results showed that the study area had an average percentage of canopy
cover of 80,74% using the hemispherical photography measurement method. In
general, the study area has a high percentage of dense canopy cover. The
average stand diameter was 10,76 cm with an average of 4 saplings per 16m2.
Differences in average diameter and number of saplings per area were influenced
by species, stand age, and mangrove growth area. The Normalized Difference
Red-edge Index (NDRE) or NDVI Red-edge vegetation index produces a correlation
value of 0,386 and has a significant relationship with MHI. The spatial
distribution of MHI categorite into the moderate health category with an
average MHI of 59,71% and the most distribution is in the range of 58,79—61,11%.
MHI modeling with NDRE vegetation index has a maximum accuracy value of 91,51%
and a standard error of 5,73%. In general, 433,70 hectares of Pangpang Bay
mangrove forest are in good health condition.
Kata Kunci : Mangrove, Indeks Kesehatan Mangrove (MHI), NDRE, Worldview-