Response of Three Superior Melaleuca cajuputi Clones to Austropuccinia psidii Fungus Under Natural Infections at BKPH Lodoyo Barat KPH Blitar
VANESSA SILVANA M, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rahayu, M.P.; Dr. Ir. Sapto Indrioko, S.Hut., M.P., IPU.
2024 | Skripsi | KEHUTANAN
Austropuccinia psidii is the most invasive rust fungus that attacks only the Myrtaceae family, known to cause myrtle rust disease. In July 2023, the outbreak of rust fungus A. psidii was reported on the Melaleuca cajuputi clonal plantation at KPH Blitar, attacks three superior clones (clones 13, 39, and 71). The objective of this study was to 1) describe the myrtle rust symptoms on M. cajuputi clones and the detailed microscopic structure of A. psidii, 2) evaluate the response of M. cajuputi clones to A. psidii under natural infections in the field and the hedge orchard, and 3) verify the response of each clone to A. psidii at the laboratory using artificial inoculation.
This study was conducted in the field (Plot 59E) and hedge orchard (Plot 53B), RPH Sekaran, BKPH Lodoyo Barat, KPH Blitar. Field data collection was assessed with a myrtle rust disease rating system, using a systematic random sampling design. To verify the response of clones, the studies continued at Forest Health and Protection, Faculty of Forestry, UGM with artificial inoculation using detached leaf assay method, observation of clone leave anatomy, and histo-pathological of A. psidii pre-infection on M. cajuputi.
The research found that symptoms of myrtle rust on M. cajuputi clones at KPH Blitar dominantly showed abundant urediniospore within reddish-brown lesions on shoots, young leaves, petioles, and new stem flesh. Clone 13 exhibited more severe damage, by the amount of wilting and tissue death on affected organs. Microscopic observation revealed evidence of urediniospore and teliospore. In the field condition, clones 13, 39, and 71 showed similar responses with slight severity in percentages of 45.28%, 49.43% and 42.55%, respectively. In the hedge orchard, the severity of clone 13 was the highest (70%), while clones 39 and 71 were similar (36.67%). In artificial inoculation, it was validated that clones 39 and 71 still perform better in response to A. psidii than clone 13. This confirmed that clones 39 and 71 were relatively potential tolerant to A. psidii infection.
Kata Kunci : Melaleuca cajuputi, klon, myrtle rust, Austropuccinia psidii, outbreak, Melaleuca cajuputi, clone, Austropuccinia psidii, myrtle rust, outbreak.