Effects of Social Variables on The Use of Sarcastic Expressions in Four Film Series Harry Potter
CANDRA APRILLIA UTAMI, Dr. Aris Munandar, M.Hum.
2024 | Skripsi | SASTRA INGGRIS
ini menyelidiki tentang ekspresi sarkastik dalam empat seri film Harry Potter.
Keempat film yang dipilih antaranya Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
(2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Harry Potter
and The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), dan Harry Potter and The Goblet of
Fire (2005). Ekspresi sarkastik diklasifikasikan berdasarkan teori sarkasme
dari Camp (2011) yang membagi kategori sarkasme menjadi empat: Propositional,
Lexical, Like-Prefixed, dan Illocutionary Sarcasm. Pengidentifikasiannya dilakukan
dengan ucapan seluruh karakter di seluruh Seri Film Harry Potter yang
dipilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis sarkasme yang paling sering
digunakan oleh para tokoh adalah Illocutionary Sarcasm sebanyak 62 kali (59.62%),
diikuti oleh Propositional Sarcasm sebanyak 24 kali (23.06%) dan Lexical
Sarcasm sebanyak 17 kali (16.35%). Jenis sarkasme yang paling sedikit digunakan
oleh karakter adalah Like-Prefixed Sarcasm yang hanya muncul sekali (0.96%). Variabel
sosial yang mempengaruhi penyampaian sarkasme juga diteliti berdasarkan teori
yang dikemukakan oleh Brown dan Levinson (1987). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa karakter cenderung menyampaikan ekspresi sarkastik ketika mereka memiliki
jarak yang jauh (+D) dan otoritas yang lebih tinggi (+P). Hal ini merangkum
bahwa karakter dengan otoritas lebih tinggi menggunakan sarkasme untuk
menggambarkan batasan perilaku yang dapat diterima di sekolah.
research investigates the sarcastic expressions found in four film series Harry
Potter. The four films selected including Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(2002), Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), and Harry
Potter and The Goblet of Fire (2005). The sarcastic utterances were
classified based on the theory of sarcasm proposed by Camp (2011) which divides
the sarcasm category into four: Propositional, Lexical, Like-Prefixed, and
Illocutionary Sarcasm. The identification was undertaken by all the characters’
utterances throughout the selected Harry Potter Film Series. The
findings show that the frequent type of sarcasm used by the characters is
Illocutionary Sarcasm with 62 occurrences (59.62%), followed by Propositional
Sarcasm which occurs 24 times (23.06%) and Lexical Sarcasm with 17 occurrences
(16.35%). The least sarcasm type used by the characters is Like-Prefixed
sarcasm which only occurs once (0.96%). The social variables that influence the
delivery of sarcasm are also investigated based on the theory proposed by Brown
and Levinson. (1987). The results show that the characters tend to deliver
sarcastic expressions in a situation when they have far distance (+D) and higher
authority (+P). It concludes that the characters with higher authority use
sarcasm to delineate the boundaries of acceptable behavior around school.
Kata Kunci : speech acts, sarcasm, Harry Potter, relative power, social distance