Analisis Pengaruh Rasionalitas dan Ketersediaan Informasi terhadap Performa Keputusan Pengguna pada Simulasi System Dynamics Model: Studi Kasus Model Simulasi Manajemen Proyek
EVAN ALVARO RADEVA, Ir. Hilya Mudrika Arini, S.T., M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK INDUSTRI
Humans have different rationalities in decision making which can influence the performance of the resulting decisions. Apart from that, environmental dynamics can also influence decision performance, where humans are generally in a dynamic decision-making environment. One of the dynamic decision-making environments is software project management. In order to assist decision making in this environment, one of the OR approaches, namely the system dynamics (SD) simulation model, can be used. SD models can help humans understand and simulate decisions taken and their impact on the dynamic system behavior. In this case, the availability of information that a person has regarding the system being simulated becomes important. In addition, rationality and information availability can interact to influence decision performance. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the influence of rationality, information availability, and their interaction on the project management decision performance when using the SD model.
In this research, a project management simulation developed by Gozluklu and Sterman in 2022 was employed. The participants' decisions as the input for the model were regarding scheduling, workforce, scope, management pressure and work acceleration of the project. The project management decision performance is captured from 3 indicators: project total cost, completion time, and delivered quality. There were 32 research participants who were grouped based on differences in rationality and availability of information provided. Based on differences in rationality, there were 16 participants who tended to be rational and 16 participants who tended to be intuitive in thinking and making decisions. Then, participants were grouped again based on information availability so that there were 16 participants who received high information availability and 16 participants who received low information availability. There’s a test before and after the participants use the simulation which will be used at the analysis stage of the research.
The analysis result on project total cost shows that rationality has no influence on the results (p=0.149). However, rational participants generally had better cost performance than intuitive participants with a significant difference between the two (p=0.035). Meanwhile, the availability of information itself and its interaction with rationality has no effect on cost performance, completion duration, and project quality.
Kata Kunci : Behavioral Operational Research (BOR), rasionalitas, ketersediaan informasi, performa keputusan, manajemen proyek