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Karakteristik Sampah Laut Antropogenik di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Pantai Baros -Yogyakarta

PUTRI AYU ISNAINI, Dr. Bachtiar Wahyu Mutaqin, S.Kel., M.Sc.


Pantai Baros merupakan salah satu pesisir yang menjadi kawasan konservasi mangrove, sekaligus sebagai tempat ekowisata. Letak kawasan konservasi mangrove Baros berada pada muara Sungai Opak, menyebabkan akumulasi sampah pantai menjadi cukup tinggi. Selain itu, keberadaan mangrove dapat menjebak sampah yang terbawa oleh aliran sungai, menyebabkan perubahan struktur dan penurunan fungsi ekosistem mangrove Sehingga, perlu adanya studi terkait sampah laut antropogenik di kawasan mangrove sebagai upaya penanganan yang terintegrasi, baik dari segi kebijakan, pengawasan, dan implementasi. Adanya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik habitat mangrove dan sampah laut antropogenik, serta analisis kualitas lingkungan pantai melalui Indeks Kebersihan Pantai (CCI) dan Indeks Benda Berbahaya (HII) dengan metode transek sabuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik habitat mangrove, yang terdiri dari zona landward dan middle memiliki air tawar sebab hanya terendam ketika kondisi pasang. Sedangkan, zona seaward berupa air payau karena terendam sepanjang waktu. Adapun substrat zona landward berupa pasir dan lempung, sedangkan middle dan seaward berupa pasir. Karakteristik sampah laut dari segi jumlah berdasarkan ukuran didominasi oleh sampah makro sebanyak 96%, berdasarkan jenis didominasi sampah plastik sebesar 76%, dan berdasarkan bahaya didominasi sampah tidak berbahaya sebesar 95%. Adapun nilai CCI didominasi kelas sangat kotor sebesar 83?n nilai HII kelas IV sebesar 50%, dengan sampah tajam lebih dominan dibandingkan sampah beracun. 

Baros Beach is one of the coastal mangrove conservation area, as well as an ecotourism site. The location of the Baros mangrove conservation area is at the estuary of the Opak River, causing the accumulation of coastal waste to be quite high. In addition, the presence of mangroves can trap debris carried by river flow, causing structural changes and decrease in the function of the mangrove ecosystem So, it is necessary to study anthropogenic marine debris in mangrove areas as an integrated handling effort, both in terms of policy, control, and implementation. This study aims to determine the characteristics of mangrove habitat and anthropogenic marine debris, as well as analyze the quality of the coastal environment through the Clean Coast Index (CCI) and the Hazardous Items Index (HII) using the belt transect method. The results showed that the characteristics of mangrove habitat, consisting of landward and middle zones, have fresh water because they are only submerged during high tide conditions. Meanwhile, the seaward zone is brackish water because it is submerged all the time. The substrate of the landward zone is sand and clay, while the middle and seaward zones are sand. The characteristics of marine debris in terms of amount were dominated by macro debris as much as 96%, based on the type dominated by plastic waste by 76%, and based on hazard dominated by non hazardous debris by 95%. The CCI value is dominated in the very dirty class by 83% and the HII value is in class IV by 50%, with sharp marine debris more dominant than toxic marine debris.

Kata Kunci : Indeks Kebersihan Pantai, Indeks Benda Berbahaya, Mangrove, Pantai Baros, Sampah Laut Antropogenik.

  1. S1-2024-458617-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-458617-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-458617-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-458617-title.pdf