Karakteristik Perairan Hutan Mangrove Setelah Masuknya Limbah Padat di Pantai Pancer Door Kabupaten Pacitan
CANTIKA SHELI APRILIA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erny Poedjirahajoe, M.P.
2024 | Skripsi | KEHUTANAN
Pacitan Regency has a mangrove forest located in Pacitan District, precisely in Kembang Village, covering an area of 6 hectares. It is widely utilized for housing, fish ponds, and large-scale ecotourism activities. Several activities along the coastal areas, as well as deliberate disposal of waste into the waters, have led to pollution in the marine environment. Excessive influx of pollutants into the water causes a decline in water quality in terms of its physical, chemical, and biological aspects. This research aims to ascertain the characteristics of the Mangrove Forest waters based on its physical, chemical, and biological parameters, and to identify the differences in characteristics and pollution levels of the Watu Mejo Mangrove Forest waters in Pacitan Regency.
The research was conducted by dividing the mangrove forest area into two criteria: areas with solid waste and areas without solid waste such as garbage. Determination of sample points was done using a systematic sampling method across all areas where the garbage was found and areas where no garbage was found. At each sample point, measurements of the physical, chemical, and biological parameters of the water were taken, including temperature, clarity, mud depth, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, abundance and density of constituent vegetation, and abundance of plankton.
The research results indicate that the water characteristics of the Watu Mejo Mangrove Forest are still relatively good based on physical, chemical, and biological parameters, and can still support aquatic biota. The water characteristics at both locations are categorized as mildly polluted. According to the Kruskal-Wallis test with a significance level <0>0.05, indicating no significant differences between the locations.
Kata Kunci : Hutan Mangrove, Limbah Padat, Karakteristik Perairan ; Mangrove Forest, Solid Water, Water Characteristics