Studi Kinerja Alat Berbasis Induksi Timbal Balik dengan Dua Konfigurasi Berbeda, Diterapkan pada Ekor Tikus
LAZIMA RATIKA SARI, Dr. Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati, M.S.
2024 | Skripsi | FISIKA
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of a self-built alternating current (AC) induction-based device employing two different coil configurations applied to rat tail samples. Motivated by the prevalence of diabetes and the current invasiveness of popular measurement tools, the research sought to develop a prospective educational physics prototype that could potentially evolve into a non-invasive blood glucose monitoring device. The apparatus consisted of a tube housing primary and secondary coils, through which AC current from a function generator was applied. The first configuration overlapped the primary and secondary coils, while the second positioned them side by side. Rat tails (Rattus norvegicus) from subjects A, B, and C were inserted into both configurations. At an AC frequency of 11,000 Hz, the unloaded output voltage measured 0.100 volts. Results indicated that subject A (sweet food diet) exhibited the greatest voltage drop (0.005 volts), while subjects B (fried food diet) and C (yam diet) showed smaller decreases in output voltage. In conclusion, the output voltage corresponded to magnetic permeability, potentially influenced by blood glucose levels in the rat tail under stable blood flow conditions. This suggests the device's potential as a non-invasive blood glucose measurement tool and underscores its development as a physics education prototype.
Keywords: blood glucose, rat tail, mutual inductance
Kata Kunci : gula darah, ekor tikus, induksi timbal balik