Laju Jatuhan Serasah pada Tegakan Tectona grandis dan Acacia auriculiformis Umur 7 Tahun Selama 3 Bulan di Gunungkidul
SHINTA AMILIN DZULFA, Dr. Arom Figyantika, S.Hut., M.Sc. ; Dr. Ir. Handojo Hadi Nurjanto, M.Agr.Sc., IPU.
2024 | Skripsi | KEHUTANAN
rate of litterfall is one of the important processes in maintaining soil
fertility and nutrient availability. This is because the return of soil
nutrients partly comes from litter. Litter consists of dead plant parts such as
leaves, flowers, fruits, and branches that fall on the soil surface. The
purpose of this study is to analyze the fluctuations, fractions, and
correlations between LBDS and litterfall rates in 7-year-old stands of Tectona
grandis and Acacia auriculiformis in Gunungkidul.
research was conducted from 23 September to 23 December 2023, located at
Compartment 160, RPH Mulo, BDH Paliyan, Gunungkidul for teak JUN and at Desa
Bendungan, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul for formis. The teak JUN and formis were 7
years old. The research used the litter trap method with a net size of 50 cm x
50 cm. Litter traps were installed in plots measuring 40 m x 25 m, with 3 plots
for each type of stand, and 3 litter traps were placed in each plot.
The results of this research showed that the rate of litter
fall in stands of JUN teak and formis aged 7 years is not significant. The
litter fall rate in 7 year old JUN teak stands was 3,17 ton/ha/3 months and
formis was 2,93 ton/ha/3 months. Fluctuations in the rate of fall of JUN and
formis teak litter decreased every month. The litterfall rate of JUN
teak experienced a drastic decrease from October (1,86 tons/ha) to November
(0,60 tons/ha), while from November to December, its litterfall rate remained stable.
Meanwhile, in the formis stand, there was a gradual decrease in litterfall rate
from October to December, from 1,38 tons/ha to 0,52 tons/ha. The dominant litter fraction in JUN teak is leaves (3,17
ton/ha/3 months) accounting for 99%. While
formis is dominated by leaves (1,39 ton/ha/3 months) accounting for 47%
and generative (1,33 tons/ha/3 months) accounting for 45%. There is a positive correlation between LBSD and litter
fall rate with a regression value of 0,7819.
Kata Kunci : Tectona grandis, Acacia auriculiformis , laju jatuhan serasah