Evaluasi Perilaku dan Redesain Fondasi Tiang Bor pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Auditorium
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK SIPIL
Pekerjaan fondasi
dirancang dan dikerjakan paling awal pada seluruh proyek pembangunan yang harus
disesuaikan dengan kondisi tanah dan beban desain struktur atas. Proyek
pembangunan gedung auditorium terdapat 17 jenis pile-cap yang dengan
ukuran bervariasi. Letak pile-cap yang dianalisis ditentukan berdasarkan
total beban aksial kolom terbesar, serta letak tiang dalam pile-cap
disesuaikan dengan distribusi beban terbesar. Tanah area proyek pembangunan
didominasi oleh tanah pasir dan sedikit kelanauan dengan kedalaman muka air
yang relatif dangkal.
Pada proyek
pembangunan gedung auditorium, struktur atas yang dikerjakan tidak sesuai
dengan desain awal ketika fondasi dirancang, sehingga terdapat perbedaan beban
desain struktur atasnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan untuk melakukan
analisis evaluasi pada fondasi untuk mengetahui perilaku tiang tunggal dan
kelompok tiang dalam menahan beban struktur yang baru. Selain itu,
karakteristik tanah pada proyek pembangunan perlu ditinjau potensi likuefaksi.
Apabila potensi likuefaksi tinggi, dilakukan analisis fondasi tiang akibat
pengaruh likuefaksi. Kemudian, dilakukan redesain fondasi tiang bor yang
ditinjau berdasarkan hasil analisis evaluasi fondasi serta pengaruh adanya
likuefaksi. Nilai kapasitas dukung dan penurunan tiang tunggal secara empiris akan
dibandingkan dengan beban uji tiang, yaitu PDA, SLT, ataupun LLT untuk
memverifikasi perhitungan. Hasil kapasitas dukung dibandingkan dengan beban
untuk mengetahui keamanannya, sedangkan hasil perilaku tiang akan dilakukan
pengecekan terhadap nilai izinnya. Redesain tiang yang dilakukan ada dua
alternatif, yaitu alternatif tiang pada kondisi normal dan alternatif tiang
akibat pengaruh likuefaksi.
Foundation work is
designed and carried out at the earliest in all development projects that must
be adapted to the soil conditions and the design load of the superstructure.
The auditorium building construction project has 17 types of pile-caps with
varying sizes. The location of the
analyzed pile-cap is determined based on the total axial load of the largest
column, and the location of the pile in the pile-cap is adjusted to the
distribution of the largest load. The soil of the development project area is
dominated by sandy soil and a little erosion with a relatively shallow water surface
In the auditorium
building construction project, the superstructure that was worked on was not in
accordance with the initial design when the foundation was designed, so there
was a difference in the design load of the upper structure. Therefore, the study
was conducted to conduct an evaluation analysis on the foundation to determine
the behavior of single pillars and groups of pillars in bearing the load of the
new structure. In addition, the characteristics of the soil in the development
project need to be reviewed for liquefaction potential. If the liquefaction
potential is high, an analysis of the pile foundation due to the influence of
liquefaction is carried out. Then, a redesign of the drill pile foundation was
carried out which was reviewed based on the results of the foundation
evaluation analysis and the influence of liquefaction. The value of the
supporting capacity and lowering of a single pole will be empirically compared
to the pole test load, i.e. PDA, SLT, or LLT to verify the calculation. The
results of the supporting capacity are compared to the load to determine its
safety, while the results of the behavior of the pole will be checked against
the value of the permit. There are two alternatives to the pole redesign
carried out, namely the alternative pole under normal conditions and the
alternative pole due to the influence of liquefaction.
The results of
liquefaction analysis concluded that the potential for liquefaction was high,
so it was necessary to conduct a foundation analysis due to the influence of
liquefaction. The results of the analysis concluded that some poles were
unsafe, so it was necessary to redesign to increase the safety and capacity of
the poles. The results of the foundation evaluation concluded that the pile
foundation is still safe in bearing the weight of the new design, so it is
necessary to redesign to reduce waste and optimize the function of the
foundation. Thus, there are two different pole alternatives based on two
evaluation reviews.
Kata Kunci : fondasi tiang bor, likuefaksi, kapasitas dukung, perilaku tiang, redesain