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Morphological Characters and Foraging Behavior of The Stingless Bee Tetragonula laeviceps (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) In Two Different Habitats: Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada Garden and Sawit Sari Research Station

Ilham Alliya La'il, Drs. Ignatius Sudaryadi, M.Kes.

2024 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI

Lebah klanceng merupakan anggota famili (suku) Apidae Meliponini (Hymenoptera) dan memiliki nilai ekonomis sehingga banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk diambil madunya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengamati ciri morfologi lebah klanceng dan membandingkan perilaku mencari makan lebah Klanceng di Hutan Fakultas Biologi UGM (FBI) dan Situs Penelitian Sawit Sari (SWS). Identifikasi Tetragonula laeviceps, lebah pekerja disampling dari sarangnya dan ditempatkan dalam botol flakon berisi alkohol 70%. Sampel lebah kemudian diidentifikasi dan data morfometri diambil menggunakan DMS (Digital Microscope Supereyes) dengan perbesaran total lensa objektif dan lensa okuler 100x. Tetragonula laeviceps FBI yang diamati memiliki rata-rata BL 4,06 mm, HL 1,52 mm, HW 1,31 mm, DBO 0,50 mm, OOD 0,33, AL 1,93, HLL 3,78 mm, HTL 1,46 mm, HTW 0,49 mm, HBL 0,52 mm, HBW 0,32 mm, FL 3,41 mm, FW 1,28 mm, WL2 0,57 mm, dan NH 5. Sedangkan pada SWS ], 3,25 mm BL, 1,53 mm HL, 1,17 mm HW, 0,50 mm DBO, 0,27 mm OOD, 1,74 mm AL, 3,78 mm HLL, 1,46 mm HTL, 0,52 mm HBL, 0,32 mm HBW, 3,41 mm FL, 1,28 mm FW, 0,57 mm WL2, dan 5 NH. Perilaku mencari makan Tetragonula laeviceps diamati dengan menghitung jumlah lebah pekerja yang keluar dan masuk sarang. Pengamatan aktivitas Tetragonula sp. dilakukan pada pukul 05.00-18.00 WIB. Aktivitas masuk pada FBI dan SWS memiliki jumlah yang berbeda nyata pada pukul 06.00, 07.00, 13.00, dan 15.00, sedangkan pada waktu lainnya tidak terjadi signifikansi. Keluarnya lebah signifikan terjadi pada pukul 07.00 dan 23.00. Pada pukul 07.00, lebih banyak lebah yang keluar sarang di FBI daripada di SWS, sedangkan pada pukul 13.00, lebih banyak lebah yang keluar sarang di SWS daripada di FBI. Pengamatan lebah yang mendatangi bunga juga dilakukan setiap jam selama 10 menit antara pukul 05.00 dan 18.00 WIB. Terdapat lebih dari 300 bunga Crotalaria yang diburu oleh Tetragonula laeviceps di FBI, dengan rata-rata 323 bunga dalam tiga hari. Rata-rata bunga Citrus hystrix yang diburu oleh lebah Tetragonula laeviceps adalah 298 bunga. Suhu dalam sarang lebah pada FBI pukul 06.00, 12.00, dan 18.00 adalah 26,2°C, 29,3°C, dan 29,2°C, sedangkan di SWS adalah 25,5°C, 30,5°C, dan 27,2°C tanpa perbedaan signifikan yang dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Sementara itu, suhu di luar sarang lebah pada waktu pengamatan yang sama adalah 27,6°C, 32°C, dan 31°C di FBI; dan 27,3°C, 31,7°C, dan 29,1°C di SWS. Kelembaban di kedua lokasi tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan.

    Stingless bees are members of the Apidae family (tribe) Meliponini (Hymenoptera) and they have economic value that so many people farm them to get their honey. This study's purpose is to observe the morphological characteristics of Klanceng bees and compare the klanceng bees' foraging behavior at the Faculty of  Biology UGM garden and the Sawit Sari research station. The identification of Tetragonula laeviceps, worker bees were gathered from their hives and placed in flacon bottles holding 70% alcohol. Bee samples were then identified and morphometric data were taken using a DMS (Digital Microscope Supereyes) with a total magnification of the objective lens and eyepiece of 100x. The observed Tetragonula laeviceps Garden of Faculty of Biology (FBI) has an average BL of 4.06 mm, 1.52 mm HL, 1.31 mm HW, 0.50 mm DBO, 0.33 OOD, 1.93 AL, 3.78 mm HLL, 1.46 mm HTL, 0.49 mm HTW, 0.52 mm HBL, 0.32 mm HBW, 3.41 mm FL, 1.28 mm FW, 0.57 mm WL2, and 5 NH. While in the SWS (Sawit Sari Research Station),  3.25 mm BL, 1.53 mm HL, 1.17 mm HW, 0.50 mm DBO, 0.27 mm OOD, 1.74 mm AL, 3.78 mm HLL, 1.46 mm HTL, 0.52 mm HBL, 0.32 mm HBW, 3.41 mm FL, 1.28 mm FW, 0.57 mm WL2, and 5 NH. Tetragonula laeviceps foraging behavior observed by counting the number of worker bees that depart and enter the hive. Observation of Tetragonula laeviceps activities conducted between 05.00 and 18.00 PM. Entry activity in FBI and SWS had a significantly different number in 06:00, 07.00, 13:00, and 15:00, while at the other time, significance doesn’t occur. The exit of the bee was significant at 7:00 and 23:00. At 7:00, more bees were exiting the hive in the FBI instead of the SWS, while at 13:00, more bees are exiting the hive in SWS instead of the FBI. Observations of bee visitting flowers were also carried out every hour for 10 minutes between 05.00 and 18.00 WIB. There are more than 300 Crotalaria flowers foraged per day by the Tetragonula laeviceps in FBI, with an average was 323 flowers in three days. The average Citrus hystrix flower foraged by the Tetragonula laeviceps bee was 298 flowers. Inside temperature in FBI at 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 were 26.2°C, 29.3°C, and 29.2°C, while in the SWS were 25.5°C, 30.5°C, and 27.2°C with no significance differences analyzed with ANOVA. Meanwhile, the temperature outside the bee hive at the same observing time was 27.6°C, 32°C, and 31°C in FBI; and 27.3°C, 31.7°C, and 29.1°C in SWS. The humidity in both sites showed no significant differences.

Kata Kunci : Bee colony, Behavior, Foraging, Morphology, Tetragonula laeviceps

  1. S1-2024-444219-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-444219-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-444219-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-444219-title.pdf