Analisis Kinerja Jalur Pejalan Kaki di Kota Yogyakarta (Studi Kasus: Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Jalan Margo Utomo, Jalan Malioboro)
FAIRUNAFIS NUR SABRINA, Prof. Ir. Sigit Priyanto, M.Sc., Ph.D
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK SIPIL
Kota Yogyakarta adalah kota dengan tingkat kepadatan penduduk tertinggi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan merupakan salah satu kota dengan jumlah wisatawan terbanyak di Indonesia. Tingginya aktivitas di Kota Yogyakarta menyebabkan perpindahan tempat yang semakin tinggi. Untuk berpindah tempat, sarana transportasi yang paling sederhana adalah berjalan kaki. Sebagai lingkungan perkotaan yang ramah pejalan kaki, jalur pejalan kaki perlu dirancang sesuai kebutuhan dan fasilitas sesuai standar ketentuan yang berlaku. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan di Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Jalan Margo Utomo, dan Jalan Malioboro karena merupakan contoh lokasi dengan aktivitas masyarakat yang tinggi.
Kondisi jalur pejalan kaki di kawasan Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Jalan Margo Utomo, dan Jalan Malioboro dibandingkan dan disesuaikan dengan Pedoman Perencanaan Teknis Fasilitas Pejalan Kaki sesuai Surat Edaran Menteri PUPR Bina Marga No.18/SE/Db/2023–07/P/BM/2023. Untuk mengetahui kondisi dan kesesuaiannya terhadap pedoman tersebut, dilakukan survei dan perhitungan volume pejalan kaki. Selain itu, juga diukur kinerja jalur pejalan kaki berdasarkan tingkat pelayanan atau level of service (LOS) berdasarkan Highway Capacity Manual 2000 dengan melakukan perhitungan arus dan ruang pejalan kaki.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis kesesuaian kondisi fasilitas jalur pejalan kaki terhadap standar ketentuan setelah dilakukan survei dan diperoleh hasil yaitu kondisi fasilitas terhadap variabel yang ditinjau di Jalan Malioboro sudah sesuai semua, sedangkan di Jalan Margo Utomo lebih banyak kesesuaiannya daripada di Jalan Cik Di Tiro meskipun kedua lokasi tersebut masih belum sepenuhnya sesuai. Selain itu, diperoleh juga tingkat pelayanan di Jalan Cik Di Tiro yaitu LOS A pada semua waktu, sedangkan Jalan Margo Utomo juga diperoleh hasil LOS A kecuali pada waktu sore di hari libur yaitu LOS B. Sementara itu, tingkat pelayanan di Jalan Malioboro diperoleh hasil LOS A, LOS B, dan LOS C, serta terendah yaitu LOS E pada waktu sore di hari libur. Oleh karena itu, diberikan pula beberapa rekomendasi upaya tindak lanjut terkait permasalahan fasilitas jalur pejalan kaki di ketiga jalan tersebut guna meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan seluruh pengguna, seperti perbaikan serta penyediaan fasilitas yang layak.
Yogyakarta is the city with the highest population density in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and is one of the cities with the highest number of tourists in Indonesia. The high activity in Yogyakarta City has caused an increasing displacement of places. To move places, the simplest means of transportation is walking. As a pedestrian-friendly urban environment, pedestrian paths need to be designed according to the needs and facilities according to the applicable standards. Therefore, this research was conducted on Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Jalan Margo Utomo, and Jalan Malioboro because they are examples of locations with high community activities.
The condition of pedestrian paths in the areas of Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Jalan Margo Utomo, and Jalan Malioboro is compared and adjusted to the Technical Planning Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in accordance with the Surat Edaran Menteri PUPR Bina Marga No.18/SE/Db/2023–07/P/BM/2023. To find out the conditions and conformity with the guidelines, a survey was carried out and the volume of pedestrians was calculated. In addition, the performance of pedestrian paths is also measured based on level of service (LOS) of the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 by calculating the flow and pedestrian space.
This study was carried out by analyzing the suitability of the condition of pedestrian path facilities to the standard provisions after a survey was carried out and the results obtained are the condition of the facilities for the variables reviewed on Jalan Malioboro was in accordance with all, while on Jalan Margo Utomo there was more suitability than on Jalan Cik Di Tiro even though the two locations were still not fully suitable. In addition, the level of service on Jalan Cik Di Tiro was also obtained from LOS A at all times, while Jalan Margo Utomo was also obtained from LOS A except in the afternoon on holidays, namely LOS B. Meanwhile, the level of service in Jalan Malioboro was obtained from LOS A, LOS B, and LOS C, and the lowest was LOS E in the afternoon on holidays. Therefore, several recommendations for follow-up efforts related to the problem of pedestrian path facilities on the three roads are also given to improve the comfort and safety of all users, such as repairs and the provision of proper facilities.
Kata Kunci : Jalur Pejalan Kaki, Fasilitas, Kesesuaian, Level of Service