Identifikasi dan Analisis Zona Pencemaran Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Polarisasi Terinduksi di Daerah Dieng, Jawa Tengah
2024 | Skripsi | GEOFISIKA
Air menjadi
salah satu sumber daya alam di bumi yang sangat dibutuhkan manusia dan akan sangat merugikan kehidupan apabila
tercemar. Di Dieng, Jawa Tengah, warga setempat mengalami pencemaran
air. Seiring berkembangnya kegiatan
eksplorasi panas bumi Dieng, warga mengeluh akan air sumur yang tercemar
menjadi berwarna keruh dan berbau. Hal tersebut menyebabkan warga tidak bisa
memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari dengan air sumur di sekitar rumah dan beralih
kepada air dari Gunung Prau. Penelitian untuk mengetahui pencemaran air tanah mengunakan
metode Induced Polarization dengan konfigurasi dipole-dipole dan
jumlah lintasan sebanyak 9 lintasan. Jarak antar elektroda ialah 10 meter
dengan faktor pengulangan sebesar 6. Pemetaan geologi lokal yang dilakukan
selama akuisisi beserta informasi sumur dari warga menjadi data pendukung dari
penelitian ini. Hasil
pengolahan dibagi menjadi tiga daerah yaitu daerah barat, utara, dan timur.
Daerah barat menunjukkan bahwa zona air tercemar teridentifikasi pada rentang
resistivitas 1,2-24 ?m dan chargeabilitas pada rentang
8-30 msec. Sedangkan untuk zona air tercemar di daerah utara teridentifikasi pada
rentang resistivitas 1,2-18 ?m
dan chargeabilitas pada rentang 8-65 msec. Terakhir, daerah timur
teridentifikasi pada rentang resistivitas 2,9-24 ?m dan chargeabilitas pada rentang 8-53,5 msec. Dari hasil
pengolahan di seluruh daerah penelitian tersebut diketahui bahwa zona
pencemaran air tanah memiliki rentang resistivitas rendah berkisar 1,2-24 <!--[if gte msEquation 12]>
Water is one of the natural
resources on Earth that is highly needed by humans and can be very detrimental
to life if polluted. In Dieng, Central Java, residents were experiencing water
pollution. As the geothermal exploration activities in Dieng have developed,
residents have complained that well water has become cloudy and smelly. This
has caused the residents to be unable to meet their daily needs with the well
water around their homes and to turn to water from Mount Prau. Research to
determine groundwater pollution used the Induced Polarization method with a
dipole-dipole configuration and a total of 9 lines. The distance between
electrodes is 10 meters with a repetition factor of 6. Local geological mapping
conducted during acquisition, along with well information from residents,
serves as supporting data for this research. The processing results are divided
into three regions: west, north, and east. The western region shows that the
polluted water zone is identified in the resistivity range of 1.2-24 ?m and
chargeability in the range of 8-30 msec. In the northern region, the polluted
water zone is identified in the resistivity range of 1.2-18 ?m and
chargeability in the range of 8-65 msec. Lastly, the eastern region is
identified in the resistivity range of 2.9-24 ?m and chargeability in the range
of 8-53.5 msec. Based on the data processing in all research areas, it was
found that the groundwater pollution zone has a low resistivity range of 1.2-24
?m and a high chargeability range of 8-65 msec at a depth of 5-15 meters. The
non-polluted water zone has a low resistivity range of 1.2-48 ?m and a low
chargeability range of 0-6 msec. The intrusive igneous rock zone has a high
resistivity value of ? 192 ?m and a low chargeability range of 0-6 msec.Water
pollution is caused by sulfur contamination and is suspected to be due to the
existence of a geothermal exploration waste pond to the east of the study area,
which spreads through river water media to the northern and western regions
that have lower elevations.
Kata Kunci : Pencemaran air tanah, Polarisasi Terinduksi, Dieng, resistivitas, chargeabilitas, Groundwater contamination, Induced Polarization, Dieng, resistivity, chargeability