Studi Data Subbottom Profiler dan Batimetri untuk mengidentifikasi Keberadaan Paleochannel pada Perairan “N” Kabupaten Bangka Barat
2024 | Skripsi | GEOFISIKA
Sustainable exploration activities, go offshore go
deeper will continue to be carried out to find and utilize mineral resources in
the mining. Integrated geophysical research using a 2D survey of shallow
reflection seismic method with subbottom profiler system and bathymetry has
been conducted in "N" Waters, West Bangka. This research aims to
determine the presence of paleochannel or ancient rivers as a potential
presence of secondary tin deposits also known as alluvial deposits. The total
length of the study area is 504.23 km consisting of 33 inline (west-east) and
25 crosslines (north-south). Measurements were made using a subbottom profiler
system with a boomer seismic wave type. Seismic and bathymetric trajectories
were processed, analyzed and interpreted using Petrel software. Seismic data
interpretation was based on the geometry and internal configuration of the
seismic reflectors. The interpretation resulted in sequence A and sequence B.
Sequence A is interpreted as the geometry of a paleochannel or ancient river
that is thought to be marine recent sediment deposited unconformably on top of
sequence B. Sequence B is a sedimentary deposit on top of bedrock. Paleochannel
presence in sequence A consists of concentric, transparent, and chaotic
paleochannel. The horizon map shows that the paleochannel is at a depth of
54-81 meters. The thickness of the isopach map shows that the thickness of the
sediments in sequence A that contains paleochannel ranges from 18-54 meters.
The paleochannel pattern is north-south and northwest-southeast oriented,
indicating a dominant ocean current pattern, as well as the presumed influence
of sedimentation rate.
Kata Kunci : subbottom profiler, interpretasi seismik, paleochannel, isopach, subbottom profiler, seismic interpretation, paleochannel, isopach