Analisis Insentif Super Tax Deduction Pendidikan Kejuruan dan Vokasi serta Kaitannya dengan Fungsi Regulerend Pajak guna Memaksimalkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia di Indonesia
2024 | Skripsi | ILMU HUKUM
This legal research aims to analyze the super tax deduction incentives for vocational education and vocational education sourced from PMK Number 128/PMK.010/2019 by analyzing implementation after the Covid-19 period, legal problems or potential losses that could occur, and regarding the relationship between the super tax deduction incentive for vocational and vocational education and the tax regular end function to maximize the quality of Indonesia's human resources. This legal research is descriptive normative-empirical legal research.
The approach taken is a statutory regulation approach, conceptual approach, and analytical approach. The data collected was based on secondary and primary data, namely through literature studies and internet searches as well as by conducting interviews.
Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that First, incentives from PMK Number 128/PMK.010/2019 after the Covid-19 period 19 experienced growth; Second, PMK Number 128/PMK.010/2019 still has legal gaps and vacuum of recht; and Third, super tax deduction incentives for vocational and vocational education can be used to achieve state goals to maximize the quality of human resources as well as the regular end function of taxes used by the government to achieve certain goals.
Kata Kunci : Insentif Pajak, Super tax deduction, Fungsi Regulerend