ABIMANYU DIMAS CAHYO SETYANTO, salicylic acid (SA), Averrhoa leucopetala, callus, terpenoids, fatty acids
2024 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
Belimbing Gorontalo (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) merupakan salah satu belimbing endemik yang belum banyak diteliti dan dibudidayakan. Daun pada tanaman ini mengandung banyak senyawa bioaktif seperti terpenoid. Produksi senyawa tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dengan teknik kultur kulus dan elisitasi. Teknik kultur kalus dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan organ tanaman berupa daun. Selain itu dilakukan juga elisitasi dengan asam salisilat (SA) yang dapat meningkatkan biosintesis senyawa bioaktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui induksi kalus dan efek perlakuan SA terhadap pertumbuhan (biomassa dan morfologi), dan biosintesis senyawa bioaktif kalus daun Averrhoa leucopetala. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi sampling, preparasi medium, induksi kalus daun dan subkultur dengan penambahan SA (0.5mg/L, 1mg/L, dan 2mg/L) pada medium G1. Pertumbuhan kalus diamati setiap 5 hari dengan parameter biomassa dan morfologi. Kemudian, kalus dipanen dan diekstraksi dengan ethanol serta dianalisis profil fitokimianya dengan metode GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induksi kalus terjadi dalam waktu 9,9 hari dengan tingkat keberhasilan 100%. Kemudian, penambahan SA menunjukkan kemiripan morfologi dan warna antara kalus kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Terdapat pola serupa yang teramati yaitu kalus bertekstur kompak-remah-sangat remah, dengan warna kuning dan hijau kekuningan. Di samping itu penambahan SA mampu meningkatkan biomassa kalus pada konsentrasi 0,5mg/L, 1mg/L, dan 2mg/L sebesar 4,12, 4,19, dan 4 gram dengan tekstur remah dan warna kuning-hijau kekuningan. Selain itu, SA juga mampu meningkatkan jumlah biosintesis senyawa bioaktif golongan terpenoid dan asam lemak seperti beta-methoxycinnamic acid dan 13-tetradecena dari kalus daun. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini penambahan SA tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kalus tetapi mampu meningkatkan produksi senyawa bioaktif dari kalus daun Averrhoa leucopetala.
Belimbing Gorontalo (Averrhoa leucopetala Rugayah & Sunarti) is one of the endemic starfruit that has not been widely studied and cultivated. The leaves of this plant contain many bioactive compounds such as terpenoids. The production of these compounds can be increased with callus culture and elicitation techniques. The callus culture technique is carried out by utilising plant organs in the form of leaves. In addition, elicitation is also carried out with salicylic acid (SA) which can increase the biosynthesis of bioactive compounds. This study aims to determine the induction of callus and the effect of SA treatment on growth (biomass and morphology), and biosynthesis of bioactive compounds of Averrhoa leucopetala leaf callus. The methods used in this study include sampling, medium preparation, leaf callus induction, subculture and addition of SA (0.5mg/L, 1mg/L, and 2mg/L) on G1 medium. Callus growth was observed every 5 days with biomass and morphological parameters. Then, the callus was harvested and extracted with ethanol and analysed the phytochemical profile by GC-MS method. The results showed that callus induction occurred within 9.9 days. Then, the addition of SA showed morphological and colour similarities between control and treated callus. There was a similar pattern observed in that the callus had a compact-crumbly-very crumbly texture, with yellow and yellowish-green colours. In addition, the addition of SA was able to increase callus biomass at concentrations of 0.5mg/L, 1mg/L, and 2mg/L by 4.12, 4.19, and 4 grams with a crumbly texture and yellowish-green colour. In addition, SA is also able to increase the amount of biosynthesis of bioactive compounds of terpenoids and fatty acids such as beta-methoxycinnamic acid and 13-tetradecena from leaf callus. The conclusion in this study is that the addition of SA does not significantly affect the growth and development of callus but is able to increase the production of bioactive compounds from Averrhoa leucopetala leaf callus.
Kata Kunci : salicylic acid (SA), Averrhoa leucopetala, callus, terpenoids, fatty acids