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Polimorfisme Gen Prolaktin (PRL) terhadap Produktivitas Telur Ayam Layar (Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) Hasil Persilangan Ayam Layer dan Arab

Salma Mutiara Tsani, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M. Agr. Sc.

2024 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI

Minat masyarakat terhadap ayam bukan ras di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan, tetapi belum didukung oleh kemampuan produktivitas ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah produktivitas ayam Layar, mengetahui kualitas telur ayam Layar, serta mengetahui polimorfisme 24bp promotor gen PRL sebagai penanda sifat produktivitas pada ayam Layar hasil persilangan Ayam Layer dan Arab. Produktivitas telur dilakukan dengan menghitung jumlah akumulasi telur selama 8 minggu, mengukur kualitas internal dan eksternal telur, sedangkan analisis molekuler dilakukan dengan deteksi polimorfisme 24bp promotor gen PRL. Data diolah menggunakan software Excel, SPSS Statistic 26.0 one-way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U-test dan korelasi Pearson. Data visualisasi polimorfise pita DNA pada insersi delesi promoter PRL dihitung frekuensi genotipnya mengikuti hukum Hardy-Weinberg. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Rerata produktivitas telur ayam F1 Layar selama 8 minggu sebesar 35 butir telur lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ayam Pelung dan Layer, namun lebih rendah dibanding dengan ayam Arab. Telur ayam F1 Layar memiliki rata-rata berat 48,36±0,45 gram, berwarna light yellowish pink dan pale orange yellow, berbentuk normal, termasuk mutu 1 berdasarkan indeks putih telur dan merupakan golongan A berdasarkan nilai haugh unit yang merupakan karakter gabungan antara ayam Layer dan Arab. Terdapat tiga variasi mutasi yang ditemukan pada hasil visiaulisasi polimorfisme insersi delesi promoter PRL yaitu homozigot insersi (II), homozigot delesi (DD), dan heterozigot insersi delesi (ID). Mutasi insersi delesi merupakan mutasi yang banyak ditemukan pada ayam F1 Layar dan memiliki produktivitas telur yang lebih tinggi. Namun, korelasi polimorfisme 24bp promoter gen PRL dengan jumlah produktivitas telur pada ayam F1 Layar tidak menunjukkan adanya korelasi.

Public interest in non-breed chickens in Indonesia continues to increase, but has not been supported by the productivity capabilities of chickens. This study aims to determine the amount of productivity of Layar chickens, determine the egg quality of Layar chickens, and determine the polymorphism of the 24bp PRL gene promoter as a marker of productivity traits in Layar chickens crossed with Layer chickens and Arabian chickens. Egg productivity was carried out by counting the number of accumulated eggs for 8 weeks, measuring the internal and external quality of eggs, while molecular analysis was carried out by detecting the polymorphism of 24bp PRL gene promoter. Data were processed using Excel software, SPSS Statistic 26.0 one-way ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U-test and Pearson correlation. DNA band polymorphism visualisation data at PRL promoter deletion insertion was calculated genotype frequency following Hardy-Weinberg law. The results showed that the average egg productivity of F1 Layar chickens for 8 weeks of 35 eggs was higher than that of Pelung and Layer chickens, but lower than that of Arabian chickens. Eggs of F1 Layar chickens have an average weight of 48.36 ± 0.45 grams, light yellowish pink and pale orange yellow in colour, normal in shape, including quality 1 based on egg white index and is class A based on haugh unit value which is a combined character between Layer and Arabian chickens. There are three variations of mutations found in the results of visualisation of PRL promoter deletion insertion polymorphism, namely homozygous insertion (II), homozygous deletion (DD), and heterozygous deletion insertion (ID). The deletion insertion mutation is the most common mutation found in F1 Layar chickens and has higher egg productivity. However, the correlation of the 24bp promoter polymorphism of the PRL gene with the amount of egg productivity in F1 Layar chickens showed no correlation.

Kata Kunci : Ayam Arab, Ayam Layer, Polimorfisme, PRL, Produktivitas telur/Arab Chicken, Egg Productivity, Layer Chicken, Polymorphism, PRL

  1. S1-2024-454767-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-454767-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-454767-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-454767-title.pdf