ANATOMI DAN HISTOKIMIA DAUN SERTA BUNGA ANGGREK Bulbophyllum devium J.B. Comber DAN Bulbophyllum gibbosum (BI.) Lindl
ERNA INDAHWATI, Dr. Maryani, M. Sc.
2024 | Skripsi | BIOLOGI
termasuk dalam suku Orchidaceae yang merupakan suku terbesar dari tanaman
berbunga, dengan lebih dari 880 marga dan 28000 jenis. Bulbophyllum Thouars.
merupakan marga pantropical tumbuhan berbunga terbesar kedua di dunia,
dengan jumlah jenis yang diketahui sekitar 2400. Mikromorfologi Bulbophyllum dari daerah tropis seperti
Indonesia, belum banyak dipublikasikan. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian
morfologi bunga, anatomi daun dan bunga, histokimia daun dan bunga serta kaitannya pollination rewards pada Bulbophyllum
devium dan Bulbophyllum gibbosum section Stachysanthes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui anatomi
dan histokimia daun serta bunga B. devium
dan B. gibbosum. Parameter yang
digunakan yakni parameter anatomis, morfologis, dan kandungan kimia pada sepal,
petal, dan labellum B. devium dan B. gibbosum. Hasil tersebut kemudian
dibandingkan antara jenis B. devium
dan B. gibbosum. Hasil
yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu, bentuk sepal dorsal B. devium segitiga-oblong
sedangkan B. gibbosum oblong,
labellum B. devium lurus sedangkan B. gibbosum melengkung 900,
bentuk sepal lateral B. devium segitiga-oblong sedangkan B.
gibbosum segitiga-oblong recurved. Anatomi kedua spesies
memiliki perbedaan yakni adanya kalus serta kalsium oksalat rafida (18,30±0,47
µm) pada labellum B. devium. Bentuk sel epidermis B.
devium poligonal-rounded
sedangkan B. gibbosum poligonal.
Densitas sekretori (jumlah sel sekretori/mm2) permukaan adaksial B.
devium yakni 0,43±0,75 dan abaksial 2,04±1,07 sedangkan B.
gibbosum permukaan adaksial 4,62±0,73
dan abaksial 3,76±1,36. Stomata kedua spesies hanya ditemukan pada permukaan
abaksial dengan densitas B. devium
37,53±4,25 dan B. gibbosum 64,73±6,92. Nukleus pada sel epidermis B.
devium tampak sedangkan B. gibbosum
tidak tampak. Anatomi irisan melintang
daun B. gibbosum
teramati adanya kalsium oksalat rafida dengan panjang 6,73±0,38 µm, kutikula
abaksial B. devium kasar dengan
ketebalan 19,77±1,96 µm dan kutikula adaksial 22,90±3,63 µm sedangkan B.
gibbosum halus dengan ketebalan 10,59±1,03 µm dan kutikula
adaksial 9,25±2,14 µm. Hasil uji histokimia daun dan bunga, terdeteksi positif
amilum, protein, lipid, kalsium oksalat, serta lignin pada jaringan sklerenkim
dan xilem daun. Sepal lateral, sepal dorsal, petal serta labellum B.
devium dan B. gibbosum
mengandung amilum pada mesofil; mengandung lipid pada kutikula; megandung
kalsium oksalat pada epidermis, mesofil, dan sekitar jaringan pengangkut;
mengandung protein pada mesofil, sekitar berkas pengangkut, dan epidermis.
belong to the Orchidaceae family, which is the largest family of flowering
plants, with more than 880 genera and 28,000 species. Bulbophyllum
Thouars is the second-largest pantropical genus of flowering plants in the
world, with around 2,400 known species. The micromorphology of Bulbophyllum
from tropical regions such as Indonesia has not been extensively published.
Therefore, a study was conducted on the floral morphology, leaf and flower
anatomy, histochemistry of leaves and flowers, and their relation to
pollination rewards in Bulbophyllum devium and Bulbophyllum gibbosum,
section Stachysanthes. This research aims to determine the anatomy and
histochemistry of the leaves and flowers of B. devium and B. gibbosum.
The parameters used were anatomical, morphological, and chemical content
parameters in the sepals, petals, and labellum of B. devium and B.
gibbosum. The results were then compared between the species B. devium and
B. gibbosum. The results obtained in this study are as follows the
dorsal sepal shape of B. devium is triangular-oblong, while that of B.
gibbosum is oblong; the labellum of B. devium is straight, while
that of B. gibbosum is curved at 90 degrees; the lateral sepal shape of B.
devium is triangular-oblong, while that of B. gibbosum is
triangular-oblong recurved. The anatomy of the two species has differences,
including the presence of callus and calcium oxalate raphides (18.30±0.47 µm)
on the labellum of B. devium. The epidermal cell shape of B. devium
is polygonal-rounded, while that of B. gibbosum is polygonal. The
density of secretory cells (number of secretory cells/mm²) on the adaxial
surface of B. devium is 0.43±0.75 and on the abaxial surface 2.04±1.07,
while for B. gibbosum, the adaxial surface is 4.62±0.73 and the abaxial
surface is 3.76±1.36. The stomata of both species are only found on the abaxial
surface, with a density of 37.53±4.25 in B. devium and 64.73±6.92 in B.
gibbosum. The nucleus in the epidermal cells of B. devium is visible,
whereas in B. gibbosum, it is not visible. In the cross-section anatomy
of B. gibbosum leaves, calcium oxalate raphides with a length of
6.73±0.38 µm were observed. The abaxial cuticle of B. devium is rough
with a thickness of 19.77±1.96 µm and the adaxial cuticle is 22.90±3.63 µm,
while for B. gibbosum, it is smooth with a thickness of 10.59±1.03 µm
for the abaxial cuticle and 9.25±2.14 µm for the adaxial cuticle. Histochemical
tests on the leaves and flowers detected positive results for starch, protein,
lipids, calcium oxalate, and lignin in the sclerenchyma and xylem tissues of
the leaves. The lateral sepals, dorsal sepals, petals, and labellum of B.
devium and B. gibbosum contain starch in the mesophyll; lipids in
the cuticle; calcium oxalate in the epidermis, mesophyll, and around vascular
tissues; and protein in the mesophyll, around vascular bundles, and epidermis.
Kata Kunci : Anatomi, histokimia, mikromorfologi, pollination rewards