Perbedaan Karakteristik Habitat Hutan Mangrove Wana Tirta Kulon Progo Setelah Ada Kegiatan Tambak
Tiara Ainnabila, Prof. Dr. Ir. Erny Poedjirahajoe, M.P.
2024 | Skripsi | KEHUTANAN
Indonesia has the largest mangrove forest in the world, covering more than 24 percent of the world's total mangrove forest area. Mangrove forests have many ecological, social and economic roles. Seeing the many roles given to mangrove forests, it is very important to conserve mangrove forests to prevent their destruction. The existence of shrimp ponds in mangrove areas has the potential to cause changes in the characteristics of the Mangrove Forest habitat. This research aims to determine the characteristics of the Wana Tirta Mangrove Forest habitat and the differences in habitat characteristics after pond activities.
The research was carried out in the Wana Tirta Mangrove Forest covering an area of 7 ha with a sampling intensity of 2.5%, resulting in a total of 18 plots. The plot is laid out systematically with a random start. The data taken includes physical characteristics, namely temperature, mud thickness and air brightness, chemical characteristics, namely dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity, as well as biological characteristics, namely plankton, nekton and macrobenthos. Physical and chemical characteristics are explained descriptively, biological characteristics are calculated using the Shannon-Wiener index. Differences in habitat characteristics between locations with ponds and those without ponds were analyzed using SPSS software.
The research results show that the habitat characteristics of the Wana Tirta Mangrove Forest are in good condition regarding the parameters of dissolved oxygen, mud thickness, pH and salinity. Meanwhile, temperature parameters are not optimal for mangrove ecosystems. The plankton diversity index is in the medium category, while the diversity of nekton and macrobenthos is in the low-medium category. The characteristics of the Wana Tirta Mangrove Forest habitat in areas dominated by ponds, balanced ponds and mangroves, and without ponds have a significant value of <0>0 .05 on parameters which shows no significant differences in temperature and dissolved oxygen parameters.
Kata Kunci : Konservasi, karakteristik habitat, hutan mangrove