Alternasi Kode Bahasa sebagai Strategi Politik Identitas pada Akun Instagram Influenser Prancis @lenamahfouf
2024 | Skripsi | SASTRA PERANCIS
Captions on an Instagram account with the username @lenamahfouf were found to contain multilingual structures that show forms of code-switching and code-mixing. The owner of the account was identified as a famous French influencer named Léna Mahfouf, also known as Léna Situations. However, an examination of her background reveals that her Franco-Algérienne identity is a common target for discrimination in France. Therefore, this study relies on the main data source in the form of captions containing code-switching and code-mixing on the @lenamahfouf Instagram account within the period of January 1, 2022 to August 21,2023. The intention is to prove the possibility of the owner’s identity politics represented through a multilingual formula. Poplack’s (1980) theories of code-switching categories, including tag-switching, intra-sentential, and inter-sentencial, followed by code-mixing categories expressed by Muysken (2000), such as insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization, were implemented to classify the forms and types of language alternation in the captions. The results of this research show that the dominance of code-switching is applied from French to English, while code-mixing is dominated by English lingual components in the French narrative. Meanwhile, the highest frequency of lingual features are French morphemes and then English, which is known as the third language outside Léna’s identity, with simultaneous application as a caption. The findings then verify the existence of multilingual-based identity politics in the captions on the Instagram account of the French influencer and Algerian descendant, @lenamahfouf.
Kata Kunci : alternasi bahasa, politik identitas, takarir unggahan, media sosial, influenser Prancis