Evaluasi dan Koordinasi Simpang Gemblegan dan Simpang Sraten Kota Surakarta Menggunakan PKJI dan Pemodelan VISSIM
IRVAN ADJI PRAYITNO, Ir. Heru Budi Utomo, M.T.
One of the most populous cities in Central Java, which is facing congestion problems, is Surakarta. Congestion often occurs during peak hours, especially at Gemblegan and Sraten intersections, especially on Veteran Street, which is a class I secondary arterial road. The distance between the two intersections is 350 meters, and until now they have not been coordinated. This causes a buildup of vehicles at both intersections and results in congestion.
This research uses an analysis based on the equations contained in PKJI 2023 and conducts microtraffic simulations using VISSIM software. Both analysis methods were used to evaluate queue lengths and delays under existing conditions and to design signal coordination. The field survey method involved collecting data on traffic volume, queue length, signalization, vehicle speed, and intersection geometry, including road width and shoulders. In addition, VISSIM software was used to assess the performance level of the intersection in accordance with the Minister of Transportation Regulation PM 96/2015.
The results of the best planning for coordination between intersections are input into VISSIM. This best planning prioritizes changes to the cycle time of the two intersections, namely 150 seconds and the addition of a road width of 1 m on both arms of the intersection, after being inputted into VISSIM, the results of a decrease in queue length are obtained which shows a significant value, as well as a decrease in delay so that the service performance of the two intersections is better than the results of the coordination calculation using the PKJI 2023 equation planned in scenario VII. Based on the results of VISSIM modeling, the delay value and service value at both intersections are obtained. Gemblegan Intersection West arm D, South arm D, East arm D and, North arm E, at Sraten Intersection the level of service on the West arm D, South arm E, East arm remains C, and North arm D.
Kata Kunci : Koordinasi Sinyal, Waktu Siklus, Perencanaan Terbaik, PKJI 2023, Mikrosimulasi, VISSIM.