Pengaruh Pemberian Urea Molases Blok terhadap Performa Kambing Peranakan Etawah pada Fase Bunting
ARETA SAFA ANDITA, Dr. Ir. Nurulia H, S.Pt., MP., IPM., ASEAN. Eng.
2024 | Tugas Akhir | D4 Teknologi Veteriner
Pemenuhan kebutuhan pakan kambing peranakan etawah terutama pada fase bunting perlu diperhatikan. Pemberian suplemen berupa urea molases blok (UMB) diharapkan dapat mendukung performa kambing selama bunting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian UMB terhadap performa kambing peranakan etawah pada fase bunting. Komposisi nutrien UMB perlakukan diketahui melalui analisis proksimat. Data performa produksi kambing peranakan etawah dalam hal berat badan, body condition score (BCS) dan ukuran tubuh (tinggi gumba, lingkar dada, dalam dada dan panjang badan) dianalisis dengan uji statistik ANOVA. Berdasarkan hasil analisis proksimat diketahui bahwa kandungan nutrien UMB terdiri dari kadar air (KA) 15,89%, serat kasar (SK) 0,97%, protein kasar (PK) 14,43%, lemak kasar (LK) 9,59?n abu 16,62%. Performa kambing peranakan etawah sebelum dan sesudah pemberian UMB berturut-turut adalah berat badan 50,50±13,62 kg dan 50,77±15.25 kg; BCS 3,27±0,51 dan 3,18±0,64; tinggi gumba 72,72±5,90 cm dan 73,43±4,47 cm; lingkar dada 83,68±9,28 cm dan 86,83±10,11 cm; dalam dada 30,59±2,65 cm dan 31,72±3,75 cm; serta panjang badan 78,13±9,36 cm dan 77,52±6,57 cm. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (P>0,05) terhadap performa kambing peranakan etawah fase bunting yang diberi suplementasi UMB.
Fulfilment of the feed requirement of Etawah Crossbreed (EC) goat especially in the gestation period must be addressed. Urea molasses block (UMB) supplementation is expected to support female goat performance during gestation. This research aimed to determine the effect of UMB implementation on the performance of etawah crossbreed goat in the gestation phase. The nutrien composition of urea UMB was determined by proximate analysis. The production performance of etawah crossbreed goat in terms of body weight, body condition score (BCS) and body size (height at the withers, chest circumference, chest girth and body length) were analysed by ANOVA statistical test. Based on the results of proximate analysis, the nutrien content of UMB consists of water content (WC) 15.89%, crude fibre (CFi) 0.97%, crude protein (CP) 14.43%, crude fat (CFa) 9.59%, and ash 16.62%. The performance of etawah crossbreed goat before and after UMB supplementation were body weight 50.50±13.62 kg and 50.77±15.25 kg; BCS 3.27±0.51 and 3.18±0.64; height at the withers 72.72±5.90 cm and 73.43±4.47 cm; chest circumference 83.68±9.28 cm and 86.83±10.11 cm; chest girth 30.59±2.65 cm and 31.72±3.75 cm; and body length 78.13±9.36 cm and 77.52±6.57 cm. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the performance of pregnant phase etawah crossbreed goat supplemented with UMB.
Kata Kunci : gestation, etawah crossbreed goat, performance, urea molasses block