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Muchamad Azmil Adhim, Dr. Ir. Radi, STP., M.Eng., IPU, ASEAN Eng. ; Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Purwantana, M.Agr., IPU.

2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK PERTANIAN

Dalam proses pemanenan daun kelor, tahap perontokan merupakan tahap yang sangat krusial dan membutuhkan waktu lama. Suatu alat perontok daun kelor, Moringa Leaf Thresher (MLT), telah dikembangkan untuk mempercepat proses perontokan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji desain dan kinerja MLT. Analisis material dengan pendekatan teori kegagalan (von-mises) digunakan untuk memprediksi beban maksimum yang dapat diterima oleh jari-jari thresher. Kinerja MLT diukur berdasarkan parameter efisiensi dan efektivitas. Hasil penelitian dengan mekanisme pengumpanan kontinyu untuk feeding-rate 1 kg dalam 6 kali pengumpanan dihasilkan efisiensi MLT sebesar 25,75%, sementara 40% tertinggal di dalam MLT, dan 34,25% tercecer di lantai. Pada mekanisme pengumpanan secara batch (dengan feeding-rate 1 kg) dihasilkan efisiensi sebesar 32% ; 34% tertinggal di dalam MLT, dan 34% tercecer di lantai. Hasil uji efektivitas didapatkan nilai sebesar 34,50 gram/menit untuk perontokan kontinyu dan 113,37 gram/menit untuk perontokan batch. Hasil pengamatan nilai flavonoid total dari perontokan daun kelor dengan MLT didapatkan nilai sebesar 2,19 %b/b dan untuk perontokan manual sebesar 2,73 %b/b. Analisis material berkaitan dengan geometri dan material dengan pendekatan teori von-mises tidak ditemukan kegagalan. Hasil maksimum simulasi perhitungan material menunjukkan jari-jari rotari MLT mampu menahan beban maksimum sampai 600 N atau 60 kg dengan nilai factor of safety 0,95 sementara pada beban 60 N diperoleh factor of safety 9,49.   

In the process of harvesting Moringa leaves, the threshing stage is a very crucial stage and takes a long time. A Moringa leaf thresher (MLT) has been developed to speed up the threshing process. This study aimed to test the design and performance of MLT. Material analysis with a failure theory approach (von-mises) is used to predict the maximum load acceptable to the thresher radius. MLT performance is measured based on efficiency and effectiveness parameters. The results of research with a continuous feeding mechanism for feeding-rate of 1 kg in 6 feedings resulted in MLT efficiency of 25.75%, while 40% was left in the MLT, and 34.25% was scattered on the floor. In the batch feeding mechanism (with a feeding-rate of 1 kg) an efficiency of 32% was produced; 34% were left inside the MLT, and 34% were scattered on the floor. The effectiveness test results obtained values of 34.50 grams / minute for continuous threshing and 113.37 grams / minute for batch threshing. The results of observing the total flavonoid value of Moringa leaf threshing with MLT obtained a value of 2.19 % w / w and for manual threshing of 2.73 % w / w. Material analysis related to geometry and materials with the approach of von-mises theory found no failure. The maximum result of the material calculation simulation shows that the radius of the MLT rotary is able to withstand a maximum load of up to 600 N or 60 kg with a factor of safety value of 0.95 while at a load of 60 N a factor of safety of 9.49 is obtained.

Kata Kunci : MLT, daun kelor, von-mises, factor of safety (FS), flavonoid

  1. S1-2024-446808-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2024-446808-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2024-446808-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2024-446808-title.pdf