Analisis Perbandingan Perilaku Struktur Gedung Kantor dengan Kolom Profil Baja IWF dan Komposit
2024 | Skripsi | TEKNIK SIPIL
The development of construction technology in Indonesia is relatively rapid, and it is marked by the emergence of various innovations, one of which is the construction of buildings using steel concrete composite components. Composite structures combine two different material properties. Steel profiles that can withstand tensile loads are combined with reinforced concrete that can withstand good compressive loads so that the use of composite materials can increase the capacity of the column itself.
In this research, a comparative analysis of the structure of Office Buildings in Surakarta City was conducted. This study was based on the problem that in the initial planning of the building, columns with IWF steel profiles were used only, and after calculations were carried out, it was found that the column capacity did not meet the requirements, so a redesign was carried out using composite columns. The analysis was carried out by comparing the performance of the building when using columns with IWF 300.150 steel profiles with composite columns with the help of the ETABS and CSiCOL applications. The composite columns used in the analysis are the type of composite columns with steel profiles wrapped in concrete with the provision of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. The standard used in this design refers to SNI 1729:2020, while the structure’s load assignment refers to SNI 1726:2019 and SNI 1727:2020.
The results of the analysis of the performance of the Office Building structure after the redesign were that there was an increase in the capacity of the composite column in receiving axial and bending loads, marked by a decrease in the demand per capacity ratio value. In the building structure with IWF steel profile columns, the maximum demand per capacity ratio value was obtained ranging from 5,0 – 7,5 so that it exceeded the safe limit requirements for column capacity (DCR <1>
Kata Kunci : kolom baja, kolom komposit, kapasitas kolom, berat struktur, perilaku struktur